1 What part of the ration supplies the carbohydrates and fats needed by poultry?
1 Grains will supply 50-80% of the energy. Animal and vegetable fats and oils
List some common grains used to feed poultry. 2 List some common grains used to feed poultry.
2 Oats Wheat Grain Corn
Why are fats sometimes added to poultry rations? 3 Why are fats sometimes added to poultry rations?
3 Fats increase the energy level in poultry rations if they are low in energy rations.
List the amino acids most commonly lacking in poultry rations 4 List the amino acids most commonly lacking in poultry rations
4 Arginine Lycine Methionine Trythophine
List three common sources of protein in poultry rations. 5 List three common sources of protein in poultry rations.
5 SBM Fish meal Meat scraps
How important is water in the chicken ration? 6 How important is water in the chicken ration?
55-78% of egg and body weight is water 6 55-78% of egg and body weight is water
List the minerals commonly required in a chicken ration. 7 List the minerals commonly required in a chicken ration.
7 Calcium phosphorus Magnesium Iodine Manganese Chlorine Zinc Sodium
What level of calcium should be fed in a chicken ration? 8 What level of calcium should be fed in a chicken ration?
8 3.4% of ration
List the vitamins commonly required in a chicken ration? 9 List the vitamins commonly required in a chicken ration?
9 A-D-E-K Riboflavin Niacin Coline
10 How can the poultry producer be sure the ration contains enough vitamins?
10 Using a vitamin premix
Briefly explain the use of additives in chicken rations. 11 Briefly explain the use of additives in chicken rations.
11 Stimulates growth
12 What are unidentified factors in the chicken ration and what are their effects?
12 Increase reproduction Stimulate growth Improve feed efficiency
13 Why is grit used in the chicken ration?
13 Helps the gizzard grind up the feed
14 List three forms in which commercially manufactured chicken feeds must be purchased?
14 Mash Pellets Crumbles
List four systems that may be used for preparing chicken rations. 15 List four systems that may be used for preparing chicken rations.
15 Complete commercial feed Commercial vitamin and mineral premix Protein concentrate Individual ingredients
Briefly explain the use of phase feeding for chickens 16 Briefly explain the use of phase feeding for chickens
Use to meet changing requirements for chicken 16 Use to meet changing requirements for chicken
List the good management practices to follow when feeding chickens. 17 List the good management practices to follow when feeding chickens.
17 Should feed only fresh feed Should supply fresh water daily
18 Why should the poultry producer keep a close watch on the feed consumption on the flock?
to minimize waste of feed 18 to minimize waste of feed To watch for illness
Describe the feed that should be used to start chicks. 19 Describe the feed that should be used to start chicks.
19 18% p-started mash
20 How much feeder and water space is needed for chickens up to six of age?
for every 25 inches of water you will have 100 birds 20 for every 25 inches of water you will have 100 birds
21 Describe the feed that should be used for chickens from six to 12 weeks of age.
A growing ration for feed 21 A growing ration for feed
22 How much feeder and waterer space is needed for chickens seven to 20 weeks of age?
22 For every 250 linear inches you should have 50 inches of water for every 100 birds.
23 How much feed per day and per year is needed for light and heavy breeds of laying hens?
20 to 24 inches of feeder space for each 100 linear feet. 23 20 to 24 inches of feeder space for each 100 linear feet.
24 How much feeder and waterer space is needed for light and heavy breeds of laying hens?
25 Why should the producer avoid sudden changes in the ration for laying hens?
Causes stress for the aging hens 25 Causes stress for the aging hens
26 Name and describe three systems of feeding that can be used for laying hens.
26 Starter ration Add grits as they age
How is feed efficiency determined for laying hens? 27 How is feed efficiency determined for laying hens?
Amount of feed fed divided by number of dozen of eggs 27 Amount of feed fed divided by number of dozen of eggs
Describe the kind of starter ration that should be used for broilers. 28 Describe the kind of starter ration that should be used for broilers.
28 18% P 3% fat
How much feeder and waterer space is needed for broilers? 29 How much feeder and waterer space is needed for broilers?
29 100”/100 25”/100
How is feed conversion determined for broilers? 30 How is feed conversion determined for broilers?
Amount of feed to produce 1lb of live weight 30 Amount of feed to produce 1lb of live weight
31 Describe the kind of finishing ration that should be used for broilers?
31 Special mess-14.5% P 4 to 5 with vitamin A, D, B12, Riboflavin and pantotheanic acid, niacin, manganese
What factors affect feed conversion in boilers? 32 What factors affect feed conversion in boilers?
Management of operation 32 Genetic background Type of feed Temperature Amount of feed wasted Management of operation Additives used in feed
Describe a good feeding program for the breeding flock. 33 Describe a good feeding program for the breeding flock.
14-15% protein special mash with vitamin pack. 33 14-15% protein special mash with vitamin pack.
Describe a good feeding program for turkeys. 34 Describe a good feeding program for turkeys.
34 Start ration 22%P 2 weeks Self feed End with 19%P
Describe a good feeding program for ducks and geese. 35 Describe a good feeding program for ducks and geese.
35 Commercial feed mess, pellets and crumbles Pasture for grass, timothy blue crash white clover.
List the recommended practices for brooding chicks. 36 List the recommended practices for brooding chicks.
36 Clean house
37 Describe the principles of using artificial light when raising laying pullets.
37 Increasing length spreads up sexual and maturity rate of egg production
List the recommended practices for managing the laying flock. 38 List the recommended practices for managing the laying flock.
More in darkness less excitement 38 Disinfect and clean More in darkness less excitement Keep dry
39 Describe the kind of cage system that can be used with the laying flock.
Colonies stair step method but more death 39 Single row back to back Multiple 2-5 per cage Colonies stair step method but more death
Briefly explain the use of artificial light for the laying flock. 40 Briefly explain the use of artificial light for the laying flock.
Limit amount of daylight 2-5hrs before darkness 40 Limit amount of daylight 2-5hrs before darkness When natural
List the recommended practices for egg handling. 41 List the recommended practices for egg handling.
41 F Temperature 65 F Humidity 75-80 %
How much space is needed for raising broilers? 42 How much space is needed for raising broilers?
42 1 square foot per bird.
Briefly explain the use of artificial lights when raising broilers. 43 Briefly explain the use of artificial lights when raising broilers.
43 18” above floor
Describe good management practices for the breeding flock. 44 Describe good management practices for the breeding flock.
44 Vaccination program 8-12 cockerals per 100 hens Gather eggs 3-4 times per day
List the kinds of records that should be kept by a poultry producer. 45 List the kinds of records that should be kept by a poultry producer.
45 Weight Disease Injuries Age Feed amount
List the recommended practices for brooding turkeys. 46 List the recommended practices for brooding turkeys.
46 Clean before new batch
47 Describe the growing of turkeys on range.
Weather-more deaths-need shelter 47 Disease Predators Weather-more deaths-need shelter
48 5 ½ sq ft. for Toms 3 ½ sq ft. for Hens 4 ½ sq ft. for mixed
48 Describe confinement raising of turkeys.
49 List the recommended practices for managing the turkey breeding flock.
49 Blood test for diseases Vaccinate needed shots 14 hours of light
50 List the recommended practices for brooding ducks and geese.
51 Describe the practices that should be followed for rearing ducks and geese.
51 Fenced pasture 2” poultry mesh Small fence in yard Outside when weather is good – no predators
52 Describe the kinds of housing for poultry.
52 Insulated wall and ceiling Pull type construction.
53 List the general characteristics that are common to all good poultry houses.
Easy to clean/ disinfect 53 Easy to clean/ disinfect Dry-clean
List the other kinds of equipment commonly used in growing poultry. 54 List the other kinds of equipment commonly used in growing poultry.
Portable feeder/ water for range 54 Automatic feeders Bulk feed storage Portable feeder/ water for range Heat lamps