Where business is taught with humanity in mind.
Student Services Student Services works with students, faculty, staff and outside partners to create a successful student experience through academic and community services and support and promote student engagement through clubs, organizations, and events.
Co-curricular Writing Center (http://carey.jhu.edu/students/academic_resources/writing_center/) Tutoring (carey.student@jhu.edu) Academic Resources (http://carey.jhu.edu/students/academic_resources/) Disability services (http://carey.jhu.edu/admissions/student_resources#disability) English Excellence Program
Non-academic Orientation and graduation Communication: student newsletter (http://carey.jhu.edu/students/newsletter.html ), mid-month news updates, and other emails to inform New Student Checklist (http://carey.jhu.edu/students/new_student_guide /) Housing (http://carey.jhu.edu/admissions/student_resources/) Transportation Mental health (JHSAP, http://www.jhsap.org/) Health Services/Insurance (Aetna, https://www.aetnastudenthealth.com/)
Non-academic Student Clubs (http://www.careystudents.com/) What clubs are active? How to start a club? How to join a club? Honor Code/Judicial Board (http://carey.jhu.edu/students/honor_code/) Business cards (http://carey.jhu.edu/students/orderform.html) Student handbook (http://carey.jhu.edu/students/handbook/)
Health Insurance Things to know: Image goes here What is it? Things to know: Student website (https://www.aetnastudenthealth.com/) Insurance card Finding a health care provider such as primary care physician, specialists, walk-in clinic, urgent care, etc. Additional insurance: dental and vision Image goes here Main page
Health Insurance Where to obtain healthcare? (https://www.aetnastudenthealth.com/) Where to obtain healthcare? Emergency room (inside the hospital) – for life threatening emergencies and when no other access to healthcare is available Urgent care clinic – care needed quickly but generally not for life threatening emergencies Walk-in clinics – can be same day but not for life threatening emergencies Primary care providers/office – generally a medical home for health care and follow-up Specialists – generally when extended care is needed beyond the abilities of the primary care provider (such as cardiologists, neurologists, etc.)
Health Insurance Example of symptoms treated at the Minute Clinic and other services Minor illness such as allergies, body aches, cough, earache, itchy eyes, nasal congestion, etc. Minor injury exams such as bug bites, minor burns, minor cuts and wounds, sprains of ankle/knee, suture/staple removal, etc. Skin condition exams such as acne, athlete’s foot, rashes, ringworms, shingles, etc. Wellness and physical exams such as college physicals, sports physicals, smoking cessation, etc. Health condition monitoring such as cholesterol and blood preassure. Vaccinations such as meningitis, Tdap (tetanus/pertussis), Gardasil (HPV), influenza, Hepatitis A&B, MMR, etc.
Health Insurance Select appropriate care for your needs. How to keep costs for healthcare low? Select appropriate care for your needs. Select a healthcare provider that is covered by your health insurance. Ask questions before you make an appointment (Do you take Aetna? Do you take new patients? What is the wait time?)
Student Services Office carey.student@jhu.edu 410-234-9240 How to reach us Student Services Office carey.student@jhu.edu 410-234-9240
Questions? Image(s) here