Project HUSKROUA/1101/252 “Space Emergency System” – cross-border system for prediction of natural disasters incidents on basis of exploitation of satellite technologies in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine. Kablak Nataliya project Coordinator
Global information about project Programme priority : 2 • Enhance environmental quality 2.2: : Emergency preparedness Duration: 22 month, starting from 1 January 2014
Territory of project realization: Ukraine, Transcarpatian region Hungary, region of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Slovakia, Presov region - Romania, Maramures county
PROJECT PARTNERS: 1. Uzhgorod National University (Uzhgorod, Ukraine), 2. University of Miskolc (Miskolc, Hungary), 3. Vihorlat observatory (Humenne, Slovakia), 4. Association Center for Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer "NORDTech" (Baia Mare, Romania), 5. International Association of Regional Development Institution “IARDI” (Uzhhorod, Ukraine) TO THE EXECUTION OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES INVOLVED: SE "Zakarpatheodeztsentr" - Ukraine Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing Satellite Geodetic Observatory (SGO) - Hungary
Загальна мета проекту : The overall objective : the establishment of a real time monitoring and warning system to reduce risks and damages of natural disasters on population, resources and environment in the study area by means of exploitation of satellite technologies.
Objectives of the project : Reduction of operating in cross-border territoy of Ukraine, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia national networks of GNSS stations in one system (GNSS-station resupply digital weather station and further development and implementation of the planned technical solutions). establishment an innovative approach to the prediction and prevention of various kinds of natural disasters in real time observation and weather forecasting (development of distance atmospheric monitoring real-time observations through the use of innovative satellite technology). Creating a website "Space emergency systems” - protect against extreme situation" in order to transfer data to the National Meteorological Center to create accurate digital weather forecasting and timely warning people about the origin of natural hazards and related emergencies.
System of remote monitoring of the atmosphere
the main idea of the project is close collaboration between geodesy (GNSS geodetic network established institutions) and meteorology.
Main project activities Technical-preparatory stage: forming of working groups; elaboration of atmosphere monitoring methodologies; purchase and installation of meteorological equipment; creation of data centers for satellite and meteorological data collection and dissemination; establishment of data and analysis centers.
Main project activities Main stage: start of the Space Emergency System (SES); elaboration of textbook on GPS meteorology and instruction manual on SES.
Main project activities Educational-organizational stage: seminars for employees of data and analysis centers, meteorologists and representatives of emergency services; creation of Astronomical and Meteorological Society (Uzhhorod).
Main project activities Public Relation stage: promotion of operating SES in mass-media, holding conferences and workshops.
At present time scientists of UzhNU: 1.Investigated the use of GNSS technology in meteorology at example of the coverage of active network reference stations UA-EUPOS/ZAKPOS.
2. The method of graphical and numerical models of 3D-and 4D-field of water vapor.
The results of the project activities will able to: develop a common information system for flood prevention for cross-border area improve the quality of short-term weather forecasting
Estimated results: a real-time monitoring and emergency system for prediction of natural disasters in cross-border area of Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine will be created and operated; timely prediction of occurrence, size, direction and velocity of propagation of dangerous atmospheric phenomena causing natural disasters incidents (floods, mudslides, landslides, mudflows, avalanches in mountains, etc.) will be performed; risk of damages to population and target groups will be reduced, and the quality of environmental protection will be enhanced in the project area.
Thank you !