OVERVIEW Executive Summary Purpose and scope of the report Overview of the Organisation’s 1st Quarter Performance 1st Quarter Achievements Progress against 1st Quarter targets Appropriation Statement
Executive Summary This is a report on the organisation’s progress with regards to the achievement of the 1st Quarter on the organisation’s 2017/2018 Annual Performance Plan (APP) as at the end of June 2017. The report has been compiled by the Executive members of the CPSI based on the analysis of the progress from the work streams. The reported progress has been verified by the Internal Audit and Risk Management Unit.
Purpose and scope of the report The monitoring and reporting of the organisation's performance against its Annual Performance Plan (APP) is a requirement as per: Section 40(d) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No 1 of 1999), and National Treasury's Framework for Strategic and Annual Performance Plans (August 2010). Accordingly, the report has been submitted to: The Minister and Deputy Minister; The Director General of the DPSA for noting; The National Treasury; and The Department of Monitoring and Evaluation. This 1st Quarter Report highlights the overall performance of the organisation.
Overview of the Organisation’s 1st Quarter Performance No of Targets 1st Quarter Targets Achieved 1st Quarter Targets Not Achieved 18 During the 1st Quarter period the organisation had 18 Targets and all (100%) of the targets were achieved as at 30 June 2017. The full achievement (100%) of quarterly targets gives assurance that the planned annual targets, as per the 2017/18 Annual Performance Plan will be achieved.
1st Quarter Achievements PROGRAMME 1 The 4th Quarter Performance Report of 2016/17 was submitted to the MPSA, DPSA, National Treasury, DPME and Auditor General respectively within the required timeframes The 1st draft of the 2016/17 Annual Report and Annual Financial Statements were submitted to the Auditor General and the National Treasury The Annual Performance Plan for 2017/18 was tabled in Parliament on 10 March 2017 100 percent of all invoices paid within 30 days on receipt of a valid invoice and reported to National Treasury within 15 days from the end of each month
1st Quarter Achievements PROGRAMME 2 Investigation of service delivery challenges to identify possible solutions One challenge on the Use of Electronic Document Management in government was investigated. A report on existing solutions has been compiled to inform further action on the digitisation of document workflows. Replication of Innovative solutions Two projects from the previous year’s Awards programme have been identified through an internal review process for replication. Project assessment and risk analysis were conducted in Q1: Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture Farm Mapping project Free State and Limpopo Blood use optimization projects
1st Quarter Achievements Pilot Projects Bertha Gxowa Hospital Innovation Hub: Active case management review process to minimise litigation put in place. Determination of avoidability and non-avoidability of incidents (following the correct protocols and procedures). Staff are now briefed on each case for learning purposes to understand the implications of litigation and to prevent future incidents. A Theatre Use Optimisation Solution was identified for piloting at Tembisa Hospital - Stakeholders have been engaged, risks analysis and project planning started. The Helen Joseph Energy Efficiency project was concluded in Q1, and a model to reduce the energy use in hospitals developed. Two additional projects have been identified for possible piloting. Stakeholder engagement and risks analysis conducted: - Home Affairs Front Line Service Delivery Reporting Tool. - Automated Pharmacy for Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital.
1st Quarter Achievements Multi Media Innovation Centre (MMIC) 78 officials and other partners accessed and used the tools and repositories in the MMIC for process improvement. The CPSI also exhibited the mobile MMIC at the 2017 Continental Africa Public Service Day Celebration in Rwanda which attracted a lot of interest from delegates. The CPSI Innovation Awards Programme: The 2017 Public Sector Innovation Programme was officially launched in KZN on 6th of April 2017. The session was attended by representatives from all spheres of government to ensure awareness and participation. The SADC-UNPAN workshop was hosted on 28-29 June 2017 in partnership with the UNDP and was attended by representatives from 13 SADC countries. A number of successfully implemented innovative solutions were shared amongst SADC countries as thought leadership contributions towards achieving the NDPs, SDGs and Agenda 2063.
Progress against 1st Quarter targets Target no Responsible unit Target for 2017/18 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 1 SM Quarterly performance reports submitted to the Executive Authority, DPSA, DPME and the National Treasury within 30 days from the end of each quarter 4th quarter performance report for 2016/17 produced and submitted to Executive Authority, DPSA, DPME and the National Treasury by 30 April 2017 4th Quarter report of 2015/16 submitted to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury by 30 April 2017 None Achieved 2 Annual Report developed and submitted to AGSA for audit, the National Treasury and to the Executive Authority for tabling in Parliament within the required time frames Annual Report developed and submitted to AGSA by 31 May 2017 3 CRM At least two (2) CRM policies and/or strategies developed and/or reviewed and implemented, annually Two (2) CRM policies, procedures, plans or strategies developed Two (2) CRM Policies developed: Acceptable use of Internet and E-mail Policy Gifts, donations and Sponsorships Policy
Progress against 1st Quarter targets Target no Responsible unit Target for 2017/18 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 4 OCFO Annual and quarterly Financial Statements, free from material misstatements, prepared and submitted to AGSA, DPSA and the National Treasury Submit Annual Financial Statements to AGSA by 31 May 2017 Annual Financial Statements submitted None Achieved 5 100 Percent of all undisputed invoices paid within 30 days 100 percent of all invoices paid within 30 days on receipt of a valid invoice and reported to National Treasury within 15 days from the end of each month 6 R&D Investigate at least three (3) service delivery challenges to identify possible solutions One (1) service delivery challenge investigated and where possible, potential solutions identified One challenge on the Use of Electronic Document Management in government was investigated. A report on existing solutions has been compiled 7 SSI Complete one (1) pilot project initiated in 2016/17 to address service delivery challenges Complete one (1) pilot project initiated in 2016/17 and report submitted Hospitals as Innovation Hubs (Bertha Gxowa Hospital Project) has been completed and Report submitted
Progress against 1st Quarter targets Target no Responsible unit Target for 2017/18 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 8 SSI At least one (1) new pilot project initiated to address service delivery challenges Stakeholder engagement, risk analysis, and project Planning The Tembisa Hospital Patient flow Management Project has been identified for piloting. Stakeholders have been engaged, risks analysis and project planning conducted None Achieved 9 Finalisation of one (1) piloted project initiated in 2015/16 to Complete one (1) pilot project initiated in 2016/17 and report submitted Helen Joseph Energy Efficiency Project concluded and report submitted 10 engagement and risks analysis Two projects have been identified for possible piloting: Home Affairs Front Line Service Delivery Reporting Tool Automated Pharmacy for Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital. Stakeholder engagement and risks analysis conducted 11 Identify, facilitate and support two (2) CPSI award winning and/or other innovation projects for replication Two (2) projects identified, assessment and risk analysis for replicability done through an internal review process Two projects identified through an internal review process: - Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture project - Free State and Limpopo Blood use optimization projects Assessment and risk analysis conducted
Progress against 1st Quarter targets Target no Responsible unit Target for 2017/18 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 12 SSI At least 330 officials and other partners accessed the MMIC 75 officials and other partners accessed 78 officials and other partners accessed the MMIC 3 more officials and other partners accessed the MMIC The CPSI exhibited the mobile MMIC at the 2017 Continental Africa Public Service Day Celebration in Rwanda which attracted a lot of interest from the delegates to access the MMIC, hence the increased number. Achieved 13 EE At least four (4) projects per category identified and recognised through the CPSI awards programme Public Sector Innovation Awards Programme launched The 2017 Public Sector Innovation Programme was officially launched in KZN on 6th April 2017. The session was attended by representatives from all spheres of government None 14 Host the annual public sector innovation Conference as a platform to entrench innovation Conference Theme Approved Stakeholder involvement/ collaborations confirmed The theme for the 2017 conference has been approved and stakeholder collaborations confirmed
Progress against 1st Quarter targets Target no Responsible unit Target for 2017/18 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating 15 EE Vol 8 Issue 1 and 2 of "Ideas that Work": The South African Public Sector Innovation Journal published Vol. 8 Issue 1 of "Ideas that Work": The South African Public Sector Innovation Journal drafted Innovation Journal drafted None Achieved 16 Upload 1300 content items on innovation, Public administration and finance onto the UNPAN Portal 325 SADC public administration, finance and innovation documents, news and events uploaded on the UNPAN Portal 325 SADC public administration, finance and innovation documents (94), news (202) events (27) and notices (2) uploaded on the UNPAN 17 Host a UNPAN SADC regional workshop attended by representatives from SADC countries SADC UNPAN workshop hosted The SADC UNPAN workshop hosted on 28-29 June 2017 and attended by representatives from 13 SADC countries 18 Participate in at least two (2) SADC or International innovation programmes Participate in one (1) SADC or international Innovation programme The CPSI attended the 16th session of the United Nations CEPA 23 – 27 April 2017 in New York
Appropriation statement Programme 2017/18 2016/17 Final Appropriation R'000 Actual Expenditure R'000 Variance R'000 Expenditure as % of final appropriation % 1. Administration 18 675 3 358 15 317 18.0% 18 279 17 909 2. Public Sector Innovation 15 380 2 495 12 885 16.2% 13 815 13 498 TOTAL 34 055 5 853 28 202 17.2% 32 094 31 407 Departmental receipts 19 3 - Aid assistance 900 7 839 Actual Revenue per Statement of Financial Performance 34 974 39 936 Add: 635 3 134 Actual Expenditure per Statement of Financial Performance 6 488 34 541
Appropriation statement (continued) Per Economic Classification 2017/18 2016/17 Final Appropriation R'000 Actual Expenditure R'000 Variance R'000 Expenditure as % of final appropriation % Current payments 33 808 5 805 28 003 17.2% 29 757 29 127 Compensation of employees 18 360 4 083 14 277 22.2% 15 880 15 593 Goods and services 15 448 1 722 13 726 11.1% 13 877 13 534 Transfers and subsidies 1 - 0.0% Departmental agencies and accounts Households Payments for capital assets 246 48 198 19.5% 2 336 2 279 Buildings and other fixed structures 806 Machinery and equipment 147 99 32.7% 1 334 1 277 Software and other intangible assets 196 TOTAL 34 055 5 853 28 202 32 094 31 407
Appropriation statement (continued) Description 2017/18 2016/17 Final Appropriation R'000 Actual Expenditure R'000 Variance R'000 Expenditure as % of final appropriation % Strategic Management 3 817 832 2 985 21.8% 3 723 3 698 Corporate Resource Management 8 347 1 604 6 743 19.2% 9 690 9 583 Office of the Chief Financial Officer 6 511 922 5 589 14.2% 4 866 4 628 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 18 675 3 358 15 317 18.0% 18 279 17 909 Research and Development 3 682 690 2 992 18.7% 2 713 2 493 Solution Support and Incubation 3 347 706 2 641 21.1% 3 441 3 420 Enabling Environment 8 351 1 099 7 252 13.2% 7 661 7 585 PROGRAMME 2: PUBLIC SECTOR INNOVATION 15 380 2 495 12 885 16.2% 13 815 13 498 Total 34 055 5 853 28 202 17.2% 32 094 31 407
Appropriation statement (continued) Programme 1: Administration The expenditure is lower than originally projected as the invoices from the Department of Public Works for June 2017, were not submitted in time for payment. The projection relating to payment for the Auditor General is lower than anticipated following a revised audit methodology which resulted in reduced costs. The CPSI has identified areas within the organisation which will be funded from these savings. Programme 2: Public Sector Innovation Projected expenditure for the hosting of the annual Public Service Innovation Conference was deferred to the 2nd quarter of the financial year.