AIMS Differences between fixed and growth mindsets. The importance of failure. Power of praise. Plans going forward. Potential lasting benefits.
Mindset – Carol Dweck American psychologist. Power of beliefs. Coined terms growth and fixed mindset. Individuals with growth mindset become better learners. Resilient in the face of adversity.
Carol Dweck, Ph.D.
The Power of Mindset Mindset means – how we approach the challenges we face. Profound effect on pupils’ lives, not just in school. Two mindsets: Fixed mindset Growth mindset
The Fixed Mindset - Beliefs Intelligence and ability are fixed. Born with certain abilities – that’s it.
Fixed Mindset – Response to Difficulties Give up – if I can’t do something now I will never be able to. Avoid challenges and remain in comfort zone . Any difficulties mean I’m not clever. Failure means I am stupid. Makes me feel inferior so I will try to do something else to boost my ego.
The Brain – The Reality The brain is capable of adapting and forming new pathways. This is called neuroplasticity. The more you work at something, the stronger these pathways become. It is not fixed. It can grow. But only if you make it – THIS IS LEARNING.
The Growth Mindset - Beliefs Intelligence and ability can be developed. If I work harder, I can become better. Massive impact on attainment.
Growth Mindset – Response to Difficulties Persevere and keep working hard – the more I apply myself, the more likely I am to find a strategy that works. I can’t do it yet. Embrace challenges and look to grow beyond comfort zone. Difficulties are natural. You don’t learn without them. Failure means I need to work harder and seek out new strategies.
The Importance of Failure Paradigm shift is required. Failure is a dirty word. “Failure is not an option”. Fear of failure is debilitating.
The Reality Failure is natural. Even geniuses fail. Fear of failure – comment on self worth. Actively avoid situation where failure is possible. Do not learn, do not improve and do not achieve potential. Pupils need to be resilient.
Most Able Pupils Most likely to fear failure. Have always succeeded, many without really trying. Crumble in the face of adversity and failure. Give up – maybe I’m not so go at this, after all. New qualifications – assessment driven. New National Tests.
Work Ethic Application is key. Most pupils don’t work because they don’t see the point. If mindset can be altered, this will change too. Not just about blind effort – new strategies, too.
Challenge for us Many pupils have fixed mindsets. Need to inspire pupils to think about intelligence and ability in the right way. “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail Better.” Samuel Beckett. Born with a desire and capacity to learn – fixed mindset inhibits this. Maybe we need to consider our own mindset.
Growth Mindset (% Mixed (%) Fixed Mindset (%) Group S1 43 34 S2 41 37 23 (38 pupils) S2 41 37 22 (33 pupils) S3 47 36 17 (25 pupils) S4 39 44 17 (20 pupils) S5 45 21 (17 pupils) S6 53 26 21 (15 pupils)
Empowerment Difficulties in life and learning are inevitable. How we respond to these will determine the outcomes. We are in control. Two choices.
Option 1 – Give Up Say “I can’t do it.” Give up. Learn nothing. Stay the same (or even go backwards).
Option 2 – Try Harder Say “I can’t do it yet”. Keep working. Look for new strategies. Try harder. Try even harder. Form new pathways in the brain. Learn. Improve. Succeed.
Evidence so far Already making a difference. Anecdotal evidence – pupils and staff. Pupils embracing new challenges. Together we can reinforce the message.
The Right Kind of Praise Praise is vital but it can be detrimental too. VdDeoRY Praise the process. Avoid praising intelligence. Exert a powerful effect.
% of problems solved on the IQ test Trial 1 (before failure) and Trial 3 (after failure)
A Request Be mindful of how you use praise.
Future Plans Senior phase event in run up to exams. Activities in Tutor Time. Departmental and whole school displays – high profile. All angles important.
Silver Bullet?
Key Message This is all about learning. More than grades. These take care of themselves.
Potential Impact Enhanced resilience. Empowering for all individuals involved. Successful lifelong learners. Enhanced academic achievement. Improved social interactions. Better behaviour. Positive destinations. Future life opportunities. Four capacities – confident individuals; successful learners; responsible citizens; effective contributors.