Grand Challenges of Civil Engineering By: Prof. Keerthi Gowda B S Professor (Assistant) Dept. of Structural Engineering VTU PG Mysuru
Acknowledgement My colleagues My Administrative authorities My Alumni students My Present students My Research Guides All my Books and Internet search engines like Google bUILDING cOLLAPSE.mp4
1.Grand Engineering Challenges Make Solar Energy Economical Manage the nitrogen cycle Advance health informatics Prevent nuclear terror Advance personalized learning Provide access to clean water Engineer better medicines Secure cyber space Engineer the tools of scientific discoveries Develop carbon sequestration methods Restore and improve urban infrastructures Reverse engineer the brain Enhance virtual reality National Academy of Engineering, USA
2.GREAT REASONS TO STUDY ENGINEERING Money →*top paid professions world wide *this is the field in which money turn over Prestige →*mother *national and global competitiveness *rising living standard Professionalism → gives satisfaction Flexibility and choice →*any post because it is one of the graduation course *any type of works and can move to any branch Intellectual development *Problem solving skill *Critical reasoning *Many Language skill contd…..
Helping Society Entrepreneurship *familiar with finance and type of business. * own job. Challenge *Every one likes good challenges * Which explores your skills and creativity Creativity * Creative decision * Creative work Discovery * Research * No things to make life comfort Helping Society
3.RESPONSIBILITY OF AN ENGINEER Leader,listener,CEO of your life. Problem solver, learn new software. Eco friendly working capability.() Good communicator. Social responsibility. Honest Saying no risk taker. (----------------------------------------)
4.HOW TO IMPROVE LEARNING ABILITY Acknowledge your surroundings (increases your bond). Be prepared (it links to next step with out difficulty). Get and stay organised (it saves precious time). Be on time (it helps to prepare to listen and relax before start). Take good notes (it helps to remember when you need easily). Establish your learning style (it increases grasping and () reproducing power). Ask question (it clarifies your doubts). Complete all assignments (it improves confidence of the concept and subject). Time Management.mp4
5.HOW TO IMPROVE TEACHING SKILLS Know your stuff →*reading slides back to me → NO * Prepare well *deep knowledge of subject Work the room →*wonder around room *talk with your students *make students seat arrangement in U shaped Lighten up →*make people laugh (12min) *make students to open up and answer Speak with confidence and passion →*avoid filler words *speak fluently and slowly let students understand Contd….
. Memorize the first sentence of each slide (first impression is the best impression) B type of students 1) listener type 2) auditory type 3) activity bases type Be a researcher 1) conductive research 2) ensuring that agreed protocol is followed 3) protecting the integrity and confidentiality of the data 4) reporting incidences of adverse events or suspected miss conducts
6.FOURTEEN STEPS PROCESS OF RESEARCH WORK Choose a problem Re view the literature Evaluate the literature Be aware of all ethical issues Be aware of all cultural issues State the research question or hypothesis Select the research approach Determine how the variables are going to be measured Select a sample Select a data collection method Collect and code the data Analyse and interpret the data Write the report Disseminate the report (broad cast, spread)
By: Prof. Keerthi Gowda B S