Assessment & Feedback: Policy and practice


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Presentation transcript:

Assessment & Feedback: Policy and practice Alison Dean Judy Cohen

Assessment & Feedback Policy What is the policy? The University of Kent Assessment and Feedback Policy will ‘operate equitable, valid and reliable processes of assessment, which enables every student to demonstrate the extent to which they have achieved the intended learning outcomes [ILOs ] for the credit or qualification being sought.’ What? Compliance or improvement….? Details available at Partner Forum

Assessment & Feedback Policy Policy statement Principles Considerations Enhancement Details available at Partner Forum

Assessment & Feedback Policy: Principles Equality Transparency Consistency Sustainability Ethical Behaviour Employability Assurance of Quality & Standards Partnership Forum 9/3/2017

Assessment & Feedback Policy: Considerations Assessment design Constructively aligned Inclusive assessment Learning outcomes at the right level, and at one level Consider appropriateness of assessment in context Assessment volume, timing, method Look at LOs, bunching, tasks, over/under assessing Partnership Forum 9/3/2017

Assessment & Feedback Policy: Considerations Marking and moderation Categorical? transparency, clarity, calibration, Feedback Timeliness, quality Administration Processes, security, fairness, * quality and standards* Partnership Forum 9/3/2017

Assessment & Feedback Policy: Enhancement Internal enhancement processes around Annual review of assessment for quality consistency and reliability Ensuring staff involved in assessment understand requirements and processes Teaching staff? Ways of developing programme assessment…. Partnership Forum 9/3/2017

Assessment & Feedback Policy: Practice Developing and managing academic integrity Assessment design to deter plagiarism Engaging students with assessment criteria Writing development through formative assessment Academic Integrity site: Referencing guides: Partnership Forum 9/3/2017

Assessment & Feedback Policy: Enhancement Addressing the “volume/timing/method” issues around assessment: the Social Sciences EQUIP toolkit But … Feedback – Quality/Relevance & Timeliness Quality/Relevance: Relating feedback better to marking criteria (themselves better explained) Giving feedback focused on what students have asked about Focusing feedback on improving in future assessments Timeliness: Providing students with timeliness performance metrics Letting students know if the advertised turnaround can’t be met Partnership Forum 9/3/2017

Useful links Assessment planning: Basic assessment design Assessment guide and checklist Assessment Skills list: Assessment-Skills.pdf Skills and support tools for students: Assignment survival kit: Productivity tools: Partner Forum

Useful links Marking & moderation: Student facing poster Annex 6 (credit framework regs): with flowchart Checklist for moderators: contact your liaison School Examinations: Exam feedback policy: ICTs: and checklist Partner Forum