Completing the Programme Evaluation Document (PED) Using the Academic Quality Assurance System (AQAS)
An overview Programmes have already been gathered into clusters, approved by Academic Quality (clusters cannot be changed for the 2012/13 review cycle) The new APM template, the Programme Evaluation Document (PED) can be accessed directly from AQAS Cluster leaders (allocated by Faculties) are responsible for completing the PED AQAS enables electronic access to all the programmes/module reviews for a cluster AQAS links directly to cluster level statistics and allows drilling down to programme statistics You can also save supporting documentation e.g. programme management committee minutes Faculties will make local arrangements for PED approval before it is reviewed by the Faculty Review and Approvals Sub Committee (FRASC) If you find errors contact your Quality Support Manager (QSM) Faculty Directors for Reviews and Approvals will also provide advice.
The Role of the Cluster Leader The Cluster Leader will be responsible for uploading the completed PED to AQAS. A Cluster Leader is a role allocated for the purposes of APM. In some Faculties it may be a Programme Leader but this will not always be the case Given that a number of programmes are usually included in one cluster, the Cluster Leader will need to determine a process that will enable the collection of relevant information from each programme. Where a cluster includes collaborative provision, the Cluster Leader must ensure that the partner has been involved in completion of the PED.
The Programme Evaluation Document (PED) The PED: marries QAA requirements with institutional strategic goals embeds an action planning approach anticipates reflection on and critical evaluation of programmes expects that significant events are selected for comment and action expects commentary on collaborative activity in each section (where it is part of a cluster) anticipates referencing to module reviews (no cutting and pasting) the PED template can be accessed from AQAS or the internal review web page More detail about PED completion can be found in the Review Handbook
Accessing AQAS Go to You will then be presented with a home page Then navigate to cluster evaluation page Use the drop down boxes to assist you to select your cluster Use your name to find your own cluster Further information can be found here: Internal Review
The process for PED completion summed up in a diagram
So once you have found your programme cluster….. AQAS enables you to indicate that PED completion is in progress To upload your review use the browse button, select the file and press upload to submit for storage When you have finished your PED go back to the PED status box and click on ‘Submit (as complete)’ Very rarely you may need to submit ‘not required’ Additional information The page enables you to view: All programmes in the cluster All the relevant modules as delivered within programmes These can be ordered by module level, title, code and module leader Don’t forget you can access cluster and programme level statistics from here.
What happens now I have completed my PED It now needs to be ‘approved’ before it goes to FRASC The process of approval is being organised locally at Faculty level Contact your Quality Support Manager/ Director of Review and Approval for further guidance if you want to know who your ‘approver’ is Approval is recorded on AQAS as indicated on the following slide
The process of PED approval summed up in a diagram
And finally…… To enable institutional oversight of the APM process FRASC will provide an annual report on PEDs to the Review Sub-committee using the reporting template provided in the Review Handbook