The SS Library is open from 8:00am to 4:30pm – including breaks Monday to Friday
SS Teacher Librarian Ms Jane Hayes Library Assistant Ms Shellai Andy
Some things are different but there are lots of similarities between the SS Library and JS - and even the DUCKS Library!
Ms Mounsey (JS Librarian) and Ms Chandler (DUCKS Librarian) and I meet regularly talk about ways to make the libraries work for everyone.
Senior School Library firefly website can be accessed at: http://dcsg
The SS Library has 2 levels: Lower - Fiction Collection Upper - Nonfiction
Students are able to borrow 4 items for 4 weeks at a time.
Next year you will come to the library once a fortnight with your English teacher for sustained silent reading, borrowing and the opportunity to hear about and tap into the lastest happenings in the library as well as share reviews about great books you’ve recently read.
Other subject teachers will book time in the library to work with me to develop research skills within the context of each of your subjects.
Browsing the shelves: The I PICK Method is a great one to use when you are browsing the shelves looking for your next read.
We are looking forward to getting to know you better next year!