Memorial High School Library Not just another pretty place.
Who What When Where Why We are located in the heart of the school campus and have two main entrances on the first floor. I hope to help all of our patrons become information specialists! Renae van Zeelst, Librarian/Media Specialist Marissa Zdenek, Library Assistant Extraordinare Daily hours: 7:15 am – 3:45 pm Phone 713.251.2527 Ext. 2527
Scheduling Classes We have three instructional areas that teachers may schedule. The downstairs Reference and Fiction areas each accommodate about 32 students comfortably and both areas have an ActivBoard. The upstairs area will accommodate a small class of about 20. Please see Mrs. Van Zeelst to schedule classes and collaborate.
Study Hall and other classes (EXCLUDING FRESHMAN STUDY HALL) We welcome study hall students as well as students from other classes, but with high expectations and stringent guidelines. Please read any emails you may receive that reference guidelines to follow before sending students to the Library. Freshman Study Hall is entirely different and has its own procedure. Please follow the guidelines that will be sent to you once it is established that you will be teaching a Freshman study hall section.
Technology Services We have 50 student desktop computers and 12 netbooks available for scheduling in the Library. We also have 35 MacBooks that classes may schedule. Please see Mrs. Van Zeelst to book classes. Printing is possible from all computers and there is a .05 charge for black/white and .25 for color prints for students. We also have 2 scanners for use – one is attached to a Mac and the other is attached to a PC. We have you covered! We also have two photo copiers near the front entrance that charge .10 a copy (b/w).
BOOKS and OTHER MATERIALS We strive to secure the new, desirable titles for the Young Adult set as well as top quality non-fiction and research materials. Circulation is for 3 weeks and students may check out 5 books at a time. However, we regularly override the 5 book default to accommodate them. There is no maximum for teachers. The card catalog is called Destiny Quest and the link may be found on the Mustang Library page and the Library Resources Page. If you have a request for a particular series or author, just let Mrs. Van Zeelst know.
Get in the habit of going to our Campus Library Page – it has everything you need! Destiny Quest (card catalog) Databases Link to district resource page Citation Help eBooks Apps to download Announcements Tutorials Links to reputable pages
Copyright, Citations,etc. Once students find that wonderful article or image they need to complete the perfect paper or project, please model proper citation procedures and honor copyright permissions. Insist that students cite sources properly. We all need to keep this in mind!
Have an Idea? Need an Idea? Please drop by the Library and brainstorm with me. We have lots of resources and I’m constantly searching for new ideas or new materials to purchase. Feel free to request new titles – I’ll do my best to fit your wishes into our budget!
Memorial High School Library We look forward to helping you!