How to navigate your library On-Line Public Access Catalog OPAC On-Line Public Access Catalog
Get started by navigating to the high school web page
From here select the InfOhio link under the Library & Media menu
This brings you to the schools OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) At the high school level you will select the INFOhio CAT
This is where you will be able to search the materials housed in your library. This screen is a Quick Search option, the fastest and most popular method to look up general materials. Your search word goes here Pick this library or another building Fiction, non-fiction, biography, etc. or any group. Then you select what type of search you want to do; author, title, etc.
Let’s search a book Enter your title here Select title option
Here are the results for The Hunger Games Summary There are more options for more detailed information 0 copies available, all 4 copies are checked out Call number Library owns 4 copies Housed in the paperback section
Now let’s search an author Type in author’s name here Select author option Let’s look at the hottest author being circulated
There are 4 titles by this author housed at the high school library The details will show if the book is available at the present time
You can also search by subject, series or even all fields