Montserrat Culture Gram Riley Alcorn Sashanna Wambeke Eli Houseman Brianna Goslar
Location As you step on the beautiful sandy beaches of Montserrat that outlook the Caribbean Sea, you decide to begin your vacation at the town of Little Bay, Montserrat's capital. You want to learn more about the country you've traveled to, but you don't exactly know where you are at. You know you started out in the Dominican Republic and started to head east, but where is that in relation to other countries? You are also southeast of another UK Territory which is called Anguilla. If you were to travel to Montserrat you'd also be south of the Puerto Rico Trench. Now that you know exactly where you are, it's time to have a fantastic trip! Click to add text
Place You step off your tiny plane at the one airport in the whole beautiful, mountainous, Caribbean island of Montserrat. You see the lush vegetation and clear waters of the Caribbean sea. You remember researching this island to make sure this is the place you wanted to vacation. The people of Montserrat speak English and are Christian so it wasn't intimidatingly different from America but it also has soothing beaches and fantastic festivals. You read about the three mountains, Silver hills, Centre hills, and Soufriere hills and you want to see them all and go into the little valleys that you learned the native people called ghauts. You start to walk away from the small plane with your friends and explore a little bit. The people are all so friendly and seem to have many African and Irish traditions which is new but exciting. After a while of assessing the area, you and your friends all smile at each other because you know you picked the perfect Caribbean paradise.
Region As you fly east across the Caribbean from Dominican Republic, the breathtaking view of the Lesser Antilles are spread below you. After you land on the beautiful half of the island of Montserrat. When you get to your hotel room in Lookout, you find a note saying to set your watches and phone to UTC-4 time zone. You set your phone one hour ahead. You now spend a great week on tour of Jack Boy Hill and swimming.
Human environment interaction After all the sea plants grown back from huge storms etc., the sea animals also came back. People go to Montserrat to scuba dive, and to view their beautiful land. People also come to see the amazing, giant mountains. A very popular tour site is to go the Volcano. Taking a hike through the mountains and seeing the wonderful beaches and land is always a great trip to take.
MOVEMENT OF MONTSERRAT The small country of Montserrat has a population of about 5,000 people. A majority of the citizens of Montserrat are descendants from people who once lived in Africa. When it comes to exports and imports, Montserrat isn't really beating that many other countries out. In fact, they are 220th out of 236 countries when it comes to exports, and 222nd out of 236 for imports. Montserrat's largest imports include Refined Petroleum (21%) and Scrap Iron (18%). The largest exports include Trailers (14%), Sand (13%), and Excavation Machinery (8.4%). In 1997 the former capital city of Plymouth was abandoned because of a series of pyroclastic flows and lahars from the Soufriere Hills Volcano. This had a huge impact on the economy of Montserrat and caused many people to have to move to the United Kingdom. They were moved to the United Kingdom because Montserrat is a territory of the UK. Most of which have not returned.