security fabric Today’s world demands security without compromise.
Brain tease…. Just simply read the following paragraph: " Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on !! "
Read this….. After reading the the sentence. You are now, aware that the the human brain often does not inform you that the the word “the” has been repeated twice every time.
Trend: Device Growth Continues More devices and newer device types are entering the network 33 Billion endpoints projected to be connected by 2020 – Gartner New device types entering the network ‘headless’ IoT, wireless sensor nodes, beacons, wearables In total, Gartner arrives at 33 billion objects connected to the Internet by 2020. Others predict similar figures.
Did you know….. 40% of the clients had sustained at least 6 attacks In recent months, a proliferation of ransomware attacks has affected everyone from personal-computer and smart phone owners to hospitals and police departments. According to an FBI tally, ransomware attacks cost their victims a total of $209 million in the first 3 months of 2016. However that figure was based only on the complaints that victims reported to the bureau. An hour of inactivity costs small companies an average of $8581 per hour At least 2 days of downtime
2016, sets new records, again….. There were 4,149 breaches reported during 2016 exposing over 4.2 billion records – approximately 3.2 billion more records than the previous all time high exposed in 2013 • Top 10 breaches (9 Hacks1 and 1 Web) exposed a combined 3 billion records. • The Business sector accounted for 51% of reported breaches, followed by Unknown (23.4%), Government (11.7%), Medical (9.2%), and Education (4.7%).. • Breaches involving U.S. entities accounted for 47.5% of the breaches and 68.2% of the exposed records. • 37.2% of the breaches exposed between one and 1000 records, 50.4% of breaches exposed between one and 10,000 records. • Six (6) 2016 breaches have taken their place on the Top 10 List of All Time Largest Breaches. . • The number of reported breaches tracked by Risk Based Security has exceeded 23,700, exposing over 9.2 billion records.
2016 Incidents by Data Type
2016 Analysis of US State Rankings
Top Ransomware 2017 Ransomware increased >150 times in past 3 years Locky is by far the most active ransomware Most common attack vectors – Adobe, MSOffice, Web sites, and now Worm-like behaviour
79,790 79,790 229 229 70-90 70-90% DID YOU KNOW… Gartner: Number of incidents investigated by Verizon in 2015 229 229 Average number of days attackers were on a network before detection 70-90 70-90% Percent of time unique malware was found 79,790- what do you think this number is? It is the number of security incidents investigated by Verizon in 2015. How about 229? It is the number of days Verizon found attackers were on a network before being detected? 70-90%? The % of time Verizon found that the malware related to a security incident was unique/previously unknown. In light of these stats, it’s no wonder that Gartner recommends that all organizations assume they are compromised. Gartner: All organizations should assume they are in a state of continuous compromise
DID YOU KNOW… 205 Billion emails sent every day 39% of attachments contain malicious files 34% of links embedded in emails are malicious 77% of all malware is installed via email Malware by file type: 52% are PDF, and 44% are EXE format
Fortinet Threat Landscape Report, Q2, 2017 Exploit Trends Malware Trends Botnet Trends
Who is attacked??? Anyone… Any vertical… Any market…. Accomodation and Food Services Educational Services Financial and Insurance Healthcare Information Technologies Manufacturing Public Adminstration Retail
Eagerness. Distraction. Curiosity. Uncertainty Eagerness. Distraction. Curiosity. Uncertainty. All drivers of human behavior 90% of incidents and breaches were the result of Phishing
Cyber Threats of Concern:
Top Security Challenges:
Organizational Barriers:
Security Business Impact:
Cyber Attack Recovery:
SecurityAffairs just published a new discovery that you need to know about. A Brazilian Infosec research group, Morphus Labs, just discovered a new Full Disk Encryption (FDE) ransomware strain this week, dubbed “Mamba”, a snake with a paralyzing poison. Mamba, just like Petya, uses a disk-level encryption strategy instead of the conventional file-based one. Full-disk encryption seems to be a new ransomware trend. “You are Hacked”. This message is all that remains of the victims of this new ransomware. To get the decryption key, victims must contact somebody through the e-mail address given in the message, give their unique ID and pay 1 BTC (currently ~$600) per infected host.
A ransomware attack that began in Europe on Friday is lingering – and hitting targets in Japan and China. The WannaCry software has locked thousands of computers in more than 150 countries. Users are confronted with a screen demanding a $300 payment to restore their files. The cyberattack has hit more than 300,000 computers, White House security adviser Tom Bossert said at Monday’s midday White House briefing.
Spoofing…. Session Layer Spoofing Message Layer Spoofing
SPOOFING A lawsuit filed on Friday September 16, 2016 by Tillage Commodities Fund alleges that $6 billion SS&C Technologies Holdings, a financial services software firm, showed an egregious lack of diligence and care, when they fell for an email scam that ultimately led to hackers in China looting $5.9 million.
Count the F’s…. Finished files are the result of many years of scientific study combined with the years of experience….. A. 3 B. 7 C. 6 Answer: 6
Amazing capabilities of our minds…
Phishing Apple Store Phishing Attack Goes For Whole Enchilada 500 Million Hacked Yahoo Accounts Are A Phishing Paradise. Warn Your Users! Did you know that 91% of successful data breaches started with a spear-phishing attack? The phish in question is a fairly straightforward credentials phish. It starts with this email: Anyone half-awake should be asking questions based on just a cursory glance at this email. - It purports to originate from an "IT Help Desk Alert" account, yet the listed email address appears to be a personal email address (and, from the headers we inspected, likely associated with a compromised account). - The message in the email body is not only strangely terse but awkwardly lacking an indefinite article (should read: "You have a meeting notification."). - The message is signed simply "Ohio State University," with no other identifying information about the scheduling system that presumably generated this notification.
Massive phishing attack targets millions of Gmail users So far in 2017, more than 200 US businesses have been hit by successful spear phishing attacks seeking Social Security numbers and payroll information.
So….. Now What
Businesses Are Attempting A “Fabric”… BUT IT IS FLAWED Cloud NOC/SOC Network Client Application Access Our customers are building a fabric on their own, whether they know it or not “Another day, another breach…” => “Another breach, another device – yields complexity and hard to manage – Endless cycle of “see a vulnerability, buy a solution to address it” – results in patchwork of capabilities that don’t talk to each other or coordinate any kind of policy or response “Custom” fabrics don’t work – resource-intensive to manage, hard to keep up with evolving threatscape. We can help them do it better – as a partner, lead with the business We can add the solutions they don’t have We can coexist with and knit what they already have together Every org creating their own fabric – need awareness/visibility, buying best of breed products to solve that problem, then buy next solution, now have a ton of solutions that don’t integrate or talk to each other. We did the fabric already for them – they don’t have to do it. We can coexist and knit what you already have together. Partner API Advanced Threat Intelligence
Threat Actors’ Game Plan: Fortinet Solutions Get in Web Email End points Web FortiWeb Mail FortiMail Endpoint FortiClient NGFW FortiGate Stay in Lateral movement Evasions Behavior blending ISFW FortiGate Sandbox FortiSandbox SIEM FortiSIEM Threat Intell CTI/TIS-Spotlight Get out C2 drop zones Behavior blending Encryption NGFW FortiGate SIEM FortiSIEM Threat Intell CTI/TIS-Spotlight CTAP FortiGate/CTAP
FortiAnalyzer/FortiCloud Indicators of Compromise (IoC) FortiSIEM Behavioral Detection FortiSandbox Zero Day Discovery Malware Variants FortiClient Check/Patch for Vulnerability Malware Scan Network FortiGate IPS App Ctrl Malware Scan Segmentation Web Filtering IP Botnet FortiMail Phishing Discovery Malware Scan
Fortinet – Security Fabric White board session
Your Company’s network Routing Internet FortiGate NGFW Your Company’s network SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection.
Your Company’s network Routing Internet Your Company’s network SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection.
Your Company’s network Routing FortiSandbox Internet Your Company’s network SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection.
Your Company’s network Routing Firewall VPN Application Control IPS Web Filtering Anti-malware WAN Acceleration Data Leakage Protection Wi-Fi Controller Advanced Threat Protection FortiSandbox Internet FortiGate NGFW Your Company’s network SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection.
Your Company’s network Routing FortiSandbox Internet FortiGate NGFW FortiMail Email Security Your Company’s network Email Server SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection.
Your Company’s network Routing FortiSandbox Internet FortiClient FortiGate NGFW Your Company’s network FortiMail Email Security Email Server SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection.
Your Company’s network Routing FortiSandbox Internet FortiClient FortiGate NGFW Web Servers FortiClient FortiMail Email Security Email Server SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection. Your Company’s network
Your Company’s network Routing Secure Access Points FortiSandbox Internet FortiClient FortiGate NGFW FortiMail Email Security Email Server SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection. Web Servers FortiWeb Web Application Firewall Your Company’s network
Your Company’s network Routing Secure Access Points FortiSandbox Internet FortiClient FortiSwitch Switching FortiGate NGFW FortiMail Email Security Email Server SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection. Web Servers FortiWeb Web Application Firewall Your Company’s network
Your Company’s network Routing Secure Access Points FortiSandbox Internet FortiClient FortiGate NGFW FortiSwitch Switching SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection. FortiMail Email Security Email Server Web Servers FortiWeb Web Application Firewall Your Company’s network
Your Company’s network Routing FortiSandbox Secure Access Points Internet FortiClient FortiGate NGFW FortiSwitch Switching FortiExtender LTE Extension FortiClient FortiGate/FortiWiFi Distributed Ent FW Branch office Internet SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection. FortiMail Email Security Email Server Web Servers FortiWeb Web Application Firewall Your Company’s network
Your Company’s network Routing cloud Cloud-IaaS Secure Access Points FortiSandbox Internet FortiClient FortiGate NGFW FortiSwitch Switching FortiExtender LTE Extension FortiClient FortiGate/FortiWiFi Distributed Ent FW Branch office Internet SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection. FortiMail Email Security Email Server Web Servers FortiWeb Web Application Firewall Your Company’s network
Your Company’s network Routing cloud Cloud-IaaS Fortinet Virtual Firewall Secure Access Points FortiSandbox Internet FortiClient FortiGate NGFW FortiSwitch Switching FortiExtender LTE Extension FortiClient FortiGate/FortiWiFi Distributed Ent FW Branch office Internet SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection. FortiMail Email Security Email Server Web Servers FortiWeb Web Application Firewall Your Company’s network
Your Company’s network Routing cloud Cloud-IaaS Fortinet Virtual Firewall FortiCloud Cloud-SaaS FortiCloud Sandboxing FortiCloud AP Management Secure Access Points FortiSandbox Internet FortiClient FortiGate NGFW FortiSwitch Switching FortiExtender LTE Extension FortiClient FortiGate/FortiWiFi Distributed Ent FW Branch office Internet SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection. FortiMail Email Security Email Server Web Servers FortiWeb Web Application Firewall Your Company’s network
Your Company’s network Routing FortiAnalyzer cloud OPERATIONS CENTER FortiCloud Cloud-SaaS FortiCloud Sandboxing FortiCloud AP Management FortiManager FortiSIEM Secure Access Points Cloud-IaaS FortiSandbox Fortinet Virtual Firewall Internet FortiClient OPEN FortiGate NGFW FortiSwitch Switching FortiExtender LTE Extension FortiClient Branch office Internet FortiGate/FortiWiFi Distributed Ent FW SCRIPT: Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for the data center, cloud, campus, branch, operations center and remote user access designed to work together as an integrated security fabric to provide true end-to-end protection. FortiMail Email Security Email Server Web Servers FortiWeb Web Application Firewall Your Company’s network