Formation of the Elements and Nuclear Reactions


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Presentation transcript:

Formation of the Elements and Nuclear Reactions

Elements are Formed in Different Ways in our Universe

Nucleosynthesis Nucleosynthesis is the process of element (nuclei) formation. Three types: Big Bang nucleosynthesis Stellar (star) nucleosynthesis Supernova nucleosynthesis Today, only stellar and supernova nucleosynthesis are occurring in our universe. Element formation in our universe relies on nuclear fusion reactions. (fusion = come together)

Nuclear Fusion In nuclear fusion, smaller nuclei collide together to make larger nuclei, and energy is released in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Requires extremely high temperatures and pressures beyond those found on or within Earth. However, these temperatures and pressures are found inside stars and did occur during the initial formation of our universe (during the Big Bang event). Fusion involves only the nuclei of atoms. At the temperatures at which fusion can occur, matter exists as a plasma. This is the state of matter where the electrons have been stripped off of the atoms. Plasma is basically a super high energy, electrically charged gas. When nuclei collide, some of the mass of the nuclei is converted to energy by Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc2. Nuclear fusion releases a lot of energy per gram of material; much more energy than is released by burning a comparable amount of wood, coal, oil, or gasoline!

The Big Bang The Big Bang Theory is the most widely accepted scientific theory about the origin of the universe. It is supported by multiple lines of evidence. The “Big Bang” was a phenomenally energetic explosion that initiated the expansion of the universe. At the moment prior to the Big Bang explosion, all matter and energy were compressed at a single point (a singularity – a point of infinite density). We do not know what was before…..? The universe has been expanding ever since, with galaxies moving farther and farther apart. Using the rates of expansion measured in the universe and astronomical distances, the age of the universe can be calculated back to the time of the Big Bang. The age of the universe is calculated at about 13.7 billion years old. By contrast, our Sun and its surrounding planets (i.e. our Solar System) is 4.65 billion years old.

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis All Hydrogen and most Helium in the universe was produced during the Big Bang Event, starting ~100 seconds after the explosion. A small amount of Lithium was also produced. Big Bang nucleosynthesis ceased within a few minutes after the Big Bang because the universe had expanded and cooled sufficiently by then such that the temperatures and pressures were too low to support additional nuclear fusion reactions.

Stellar Nucleosynthesis A star is a very hot ball of gas (plasma). Stars create elements by combining lighter nuclei into heavier nuclei via nuclear fusion reactions in their cores and releasing energy in the process. They are natural nuclear reactors! Enormous temperatures (15,000,000 K), pressures, and densities of matter are needed to initiate the fusion (thermonuclear) reactions which squeeze nuclei together and release energy. The basic nuclear reaction in the Sun converts hydrogen to helium and releases energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation (see the basic fusion reaction below). This is why our Sun shines! Our Sun is only large enough to fuse hydrogen into helium within its core.

Stellar Nucleosynthesis Stars much larger than our Sun can fuse heavier elements from lighter elements. These giant stars have an “onion layer” structure. As you proceed deeper into the star, temperatures and pressures increase, and heavier and heavier nuclei are fused together. The heaviest element that can be made in a star is iron. Elements heavier than iron have fusion reactions with temperature and pressure requirements greater than those that can occur within the core of a giant star. Note: In the adjacent diagrams, the term “burning” really means nuclear fusion!

Nuclear Fusion Requirements (in stars) Fusion By-product Minimum Core Temperature Minimum Core Density Minimum Stellar Mass* Hydrogen He 13 million K 100 gm/cc 0.08 solar masses Helium C, O 100 million K 100,000 gm/cc 0.5 solar masses Carbon O, Ne, Mg, Na 500 million K 200,000 gm/cc 4 solar masses Neon O, Mg 1.2 billion K 4 million gm/cc about 8 solar masses Oxygen Mg, Si, S, P 1.5 billion K 10 million gm/cc Silicon Si, S, Ar, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni around 3 billion K 30 million gm/cc gm/cc = grams per cubic centimeter (units of density)

Supernova Nucleosynthesis An exploded star (supernova) Elements heavier than Iron (Z = 26) are made primarily when giant stars explode in supernovae. Even the largest stars do not have core temperatures and pressures high enough to fuse iron into heavier elements. Therefore, when a star runs out of nuclear fuel (lighter nuclei) and can no longer undergo fusion reactions, gravity causes the star to collapse. The gravitational collapse triggers a phenomenally large explosion called a supernova. The explosion of the star momentarily generates high enough temperatures and pressures to cause nuclear fusion reactions that make elements with atomic numbers 27-92 (Cobalt to Uranium). Since only the largest stars can explode in supernovae events, elements with atomic numbers 27-92 are rarer than elements with atomic numbers 1-26 (see abundance diagram to right) Relative Abundance of the Elements in our Universe

A summary… (You are made of stardust from exploded stars)

Nuclear Fission We have learned that elements form in the universe by nuclear fusion reactions which assemble larger nuclei by forcing smaller nuclei together under tremendous temperatures and pressures. However, elements can also form when a large, unstable nucleus breaks apart in an attempt to achieve a more stable, lower energy state. The splitting of a nucleus to form two or more smaller, more stable nuclei is called nuclear fission. (fission = split) Fission may occur spontaneously (without energy being added) or it may be prompted by firing a nuclear bullet (like a proton or neutron) at an unstable nucleus, as seen in the example below. Like fusion, fission also releases energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. However, not as much energy is released from fission as from fusion. Still, the energy released per gram of material by fission is considerably more than the energy released by burning a comparable amount of wood, oil, gasoline, etc. Fission of uranium-235 atoms is used in nuclear power plants to produce energy. Fission also occurs naturally within the layers of the earth as radioactive elements in rocks spontaneously decay to more stable elements, creating a natural source of heat within the earth. You also contain a small proportion of radioactive isotopes within your body. These isotopes decay naturally, releasing radiation. Therefore, you are slightly radioactive too! So is the banana you ate for breakfast! Nuclear bullet

Radioactivity Radioactivity is the release of energy, in the form of energetic particles and waves, from the nuclei of unstable (radioactive) isotopes. Radioactive atoms undergo fission-type reactions in order to try to become more stable nuclei with lower energies. Radioactive atoms are called radioisotopes. The nuclei of unstable, radioactive isotopes have the wrong ratio of neutrons to protons (n/p). Generally, it is too high. When n/p of an isotope falls between 1 to 1.5, the nucleus is stable (within the “Band of Stability” on a n0 vs. p+ plot). Outside of that range, nuclei tend to be unstable and break apart over time. This “breaking apart” of unstable nuclei over time and the accompanying release of nuclear particles and energy is called radioactive decay.

Types of Radioactive Decay – Alpha Decay In alpha decay, an unstable nucleus releases two neutrons and two protons. This is called an alpha () particle. It is equivalent to a 42He nuclei. Energy is also released in the process. As a result, the mass number of the remaining nucleus decreases by 4 and the atomic number decreases by 2. A new element is formed in the process! Credit: Khan Academy

Types of Radioactive Decay – Beta Decay In beta decay of an unstable nucleus, a neutron suddenly changes to a proton, releasing an electron, a ghostly, low mass particle called a neutrino (not pictured), and energy! As a result, the atomic number of the remaining nucleus increases by 1 but the mass number does not change. A new element is formed! Note: The released electron did not come from outside the nucleus. It came from inside the nucleus. It is called a beta () particle. Credit: Khan Academy

Types of Radioactive Decay – Gamma Decay In gamma decay, an unstable nucleus releases a high energy form of electromagnetic radiation (light) called a gamma () particle or a gamma ray. This particle of light is also known as a photon. The energy is released as the protons and neutrons in the unstable nucleus reposition themselves in an attempt to find a lower energy arrangement. Since no protons or neutrons are released, the mass number and atomic number of the nucleus remain unchanged, and no new element is formed. Gamma decay usually accompanies alpha and beta decay. Credit: Khan Academy

Nuclear Reactions can be Represented by Nuclear Equations Fusion Making a larger nucleus from two or more smaller nuclei Fission Making two or more smaller nuclei from a larger nucleus

Important Symbols Used in Nuclear Equations To write a nuclear reaction, you must remember how to read and use isotope symbol notation You must know the symbols used for various subatomic particles like protons, neutrons, etc. Particle How written in a nuclear reaction Proton   1 1 p or H Neutron 1 n Electron (Beta particle) 0 0 e or β -1 -1 Alpha Particle (Helium nuclei) 4 4  or He 2 2 Gamma Particle or Ray  (a massless packet of pure electromagnetic radiation, a form of energy)

Balancing Nuclear Reactions Check the math on these examples of nuclear equations to see if the sums of the mass numbers and the atomic numbers are the same on each side of the equations. Can you figure out which equations are fission and which are fusion? 23892U 3215P 105B

Transmutation Transmutation is a general term for the changing of chemical element or isotope to another by changing the number of protons and/or neutrons. Fusion and fission reactions both qualify as transmutations. The bombardment of a nucleus by a nuclear bullet in order to change it into another element also counts as transmutation.

Synthetic Elements Elements with atomic numbers Z ≥ 93 are synthetic (man-made) These elements have been made in particle accelerators, either by smashing smaller nuclei together or else by shooting nuclear bullets at large nuclei. These elements are all radioactive. They decay over time to more stable elements, releasing radiation (particles and energy) from their nuclei. Some have very short half-lives and have only existed for fractions of a second. Some synthetic elements have uses for mankind. Americium (Am) is used in smoke detectors. Others have no current use but were made during basic research to better understand atomic nuclei and the forces that hold them together. The heaviest synthetic element has an atomic number of 118. It has no uses at present.