10 Tips You Can Do to Avoid Yeast Infection “A recent study shows that the occurrence of yeast infection has doubled compared to the last 20 years. “ Brought to you by YeastInfectionReviewss.com
Most women do not know that they have this disease, and some just ignore this kind of disease. Here are 10 tips on how you can avoid this deadly disease.
Personal Hygiene
Personal hygiene is a never ending process but this is the fundamental process to prevent yeast infection. Be sure to complete this checklist:
Tip 1 Wash your genital area Tip 1 Wash your genital area. This will make you feel fresh and will also prevent yeast infections. When taking a bath, clean the inside folds of your vagina because this is where the yeast develops.
Tip 2 Dry thoroughly. Yeast lives in moist atmosphere, therefore, it is very important that you thoroughly dry the vaginal area after you shower or take a bath. You can also use a blower with mild setting to remove the excess moisture.
Clothes that you should wear:
Your clothing can also affect in the development of yeast infection Your clothing can also affect in the development of yeast infection. Below are the things that you should note:
Tip 3 Wear natural clothes Tip 3 Wear natural clothes. Wear cotton and silk underwear as these can absorb moisture. On the other hand, synthetic fabrics keep the moisture in the skin, inviting the growth of yeast.
Tip 4 Change you set of clothes Tip 4 Change you set of clothes. Do not sit around wearing a sweaty swimming suit or gym clothes. Switch to dry clothes. In addition, always change your underwear when it becomes wet to avoid dampness.
Things that you should avoid:
Cosmetics products can also allow the growth of yeast Cosmetics products can also allow the growth of yeast. Keep these in mind:
Tip 5 Avoid douching. This action is washing out the interior part of the vagina with liquid agent. It destroys both harmful and good bacteria which are responsible for the regulation of yeast production. This process also washes away the protective lining of the vagina. This leaves you very susceptible to vaginal infections.
Tip 6 Stop using feminine sprays, bubble baths, and scented soaps Tip 6 Stop using feminine sprays, bubble baths, and scented soaps. Perfumes irritate the vagina, and this can increase the risk of infection. Also, avoid using tampons, scented sanitary pads, and colored toilet paper.
Tip 7 Reduce the heat. Warm environment is the perfect atmosphere of yeast organisms. You should avoid long hot baths or soaking in a hot tub. You should not wear clothes that are too tight since they will prevent the airflow around the genitals.
Medications that can cause yeast infection:
One of the main causes of this infection is the intake of antibiotics One of the main causes of this infection is the intake of antibiotics. Here are the things to know about medications:
Tip 7 Be careful with the medications that you take Tip 7 Be careful with the medications that you take. Antibiotics can kill both good and bad bacteria, and can allow the overgrowth of yeast. One of the common risk factors of having this disease is the use of antibiotics to cure a certain disease.
Taking birth control pills and oral steroids may also increase the risk. Talk to your doctor if the yeast infection keeps on recurring so that he can give some prescriptions. There are also alternative and natural cures for yeast infections.
Tips for Personal Care
The best way on how to prevent this infection is to take care of your body. This will keep you healthy and strong to fight numerous diseases.
Tip 8 Have enough sleep. Your immune system regulates the yeast organism production. However, if you lack enough sleep, then your immune system cannot do the job efficiently.
Take enough sleep, do exercises, avoid caffeine, avoid heavy meals 3 hours before bedtime. Diseases the weaken the immune systems like HIV and diabetes can increase the risk of yeast infection. Also if you have diabetes, you should keep your blood sugar levels under control.
Tip 9 Change your diet. Studies show that eating yogurt with active bacteria cultures can help the body fight yeast overgrowth. Most doctors also recommend less intake of sugar because it is a fact that sugar promote the growth of yeast.
Tip 10 Learning more information on how to avoid yeast infections will lessen the risk of having this disease.
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