Year 1 Staff Foxes Class Teachers: Miss Davies Teaching Assistant: Mrs Mills (mornings Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri and all day Thurs) 1:1 Cassie am/Miss Joseph pm Moles Class Teacher: Miss Seckington Mrs Lyons (mornings Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri and all day Thurs) 1:1 Sarah GROWING TOGETHER AS CHILDREN OF GOD
Proposed Visits/Visitors Autumn Term Local area Wild Woodland Day Gruffalo trail Poet visit Theatre Library Spring Term Postman in Visit to Painshill Park- Fairytale Walk Animal Man Open Charity Shop for WWF Summer Term Space tent Australia Day/Beach? Chelsea physics garden Beach GROWING TOGETHER AS CHILDREN OF GOD
Equipment Stationary All provided Water Bottle School or plastic sports bottle filled with only water Fruit/Veg Snack Break time snack to keep energy levels up PE Kit Indoor: black shorts, school house t-shirt, black plimsolls and socks Outdoor: as above + black jogging bottoms No jewellery to be worn in PE including stud earrings Reading Records To be handed in every Monday am ready to change books for the week GROWING TOGETHER AS CHILDREN OF GOD
Uniform Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct school uniform at all times and that it is all named. We have a lost property box in the classroom for any stray items we find. We encourage the children to become more independent in Year 1 – this includes looking after their own belongings. Please try to ensure that your child can dress and undress; this will save lots of time before and after PE. No jewellery or nail varnish should be worn to school except for a simple watch and/or stud earrings. GROWING TOGETHER AS CHILDREN OF GOD
Homework -To begin with we would like you only to focus on reading and spelling Speed Sounds Set 1 and 2 and the first 100 High Frequency Words. -Spellings will be tested weekly- advice on spelling rules can be found on the school website. We will not send spelling lists home. -Mathletics will be set after October Half Term. You will be given passwords. -English and Topic related homework will be set after Christmas. -Homework is set on a Friday and handed in on Wednesday. -Each task should take no more than 20 minutes. If your child has not completed the task during this time please do not continue. -Homework will be recorded in homework books in pencil. -If there are any problems with the homework please write a note in your child’s homework book or send an email to your child’s class teacher. GROWING TOGETHER AS CHILDREN OF GOD
Reading -Children can change their books each Monday. -Children should be reading for at least 15 minutes each night. -Children can change their books each Monday. -As they become more fluent readers, we encourage children to read a wide range of texts and anything that they read should be recorded in their reading records. -If your child does not like a book that they have chosen please feel free to return it. -If your child does not want to read the whole book please feel free to take it in turns. -It is important that children see reading as a pleasurable experience; let them see you reading for pleasure! GROWING TOGETHER AS CHILDREN OF GOD
Spelling Practise the first 100 High Frequency Words spellings regularly; use strategies that work for your child to help them learn them e.g. look/cover/write/check, using for handwriting practice, flashcards, magnetic letters… You will be given packs of words (10 at a time). If lost there will be a cost. -Practise Speed Sounds 1 and 2. Reading first, then writing. Encourage children to think for themselves first before asking you to spell a word – remind of strategies they can use such as sounding the word out and thinking about other words they know. -When your child has finished their homework there is no need for you to correct all spelling mistakes but you could point out some spellings that you know they have been practising. Help children to spot their own spelling errors, encourage them to check when they have finished writing. -Play spelling games – board games, online games (e.g. through school website) GROWING TOGETHER AS CHILDREN OF GOD
Behaviour Positive behaviour will always be praised. Each week children will have the opportunity to be selected for: Star Writer Star Learner Star of the Week A weekend with the class mascot Children who are showing positive values and demonstrating how to be a good classmate will be put forward to take home the class mascot. Sometimes yellow and red cards will need to be used, this will always be in line with the Behaviour Policy. Parents will be contacted during the school day if their child has received a red card. Yellow and red cards are recorded in the classroom behaviour log which Mrs Rickards views every Friday. GROWING TOGETHER AS CHILDREN OF GOD
Other The school day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:20pm. Please be on time as the children begin the day with a morning task. Please refrain from blocking the door to assist the teacher in ensuring the children only leave when they are called. PE is on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please give out party invitations before or after school. They will not be given out in the classroom. GROWING TOGETHER AS CHILDREN OF GOD
Thank you for your continued support GROWING TOGETHER AS CHILDREN OF GOD