United States History Mr. Eric Mossberg
Welcome everyone to Back to School Night August 24, 2017
United States History and Geography A & B Parent-Student Letter Dear Parent: It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to teach 11th grade United States History And Geography to your son or daughter this year. The major emphasis of the course is to provide a study of the geographic, economic, political, social and cultural changes that have shaped the history of the United States during the 20th century. Each student should acquire an appreciation for our common heritage and culture as a nation, while recognizing our cultural pluralism. Please read the attached information. If you have any comments or questions, be sure to make note of them in the space provided below. The Vision: of San Pedro High School is to become a learning community embracing collaboration, inquiry, and responsibility in the pursuit of academic excellence. Expected School Wide Learning Results (ESLRs): Active Citizens who participate as informed members in a global environment.
Creative And Critical Thinkers who analyze, problem-solve, and synthesize answers efficiently. Effective Communicators who demonstrate competence in speaking, writing, and current technology Content and performance standards: Analyze the major political, economic, and social developments that have shaped the United States. Analyze the historical interaction and interdependence of the United States and world cultures. Analyze the democratic principles and evaluate how these principles are evident in national and international issues. Instructional methods and strategies may include: a. Lecture. f. Research and reports. b. Cooperative work groups. g. Reading. c. Multimedia presentations. h. Practice for skill development. d. Writing and speaking exercises. i. Discovery and problem-solving. e. Demonstrations. j. Various map assignments. Performance evaluations or standards may include: a. Teacher-made exams. f. Oral presentations. b. Projects. g. Homework. c. Writing portfolio. h. Quizzes. d. Writing proficiency tests. i. Participation in class discussions. e. Essays and other papers. j. Proper citizenship.
Technology: Students have access to one or more computer in every classroom, the Library/Media Center, Computer Lab, and other technology centers on campus. Students will be given an Internet account that allows access to different web browsers and email. Students will receive instruction in a variety of software applications and other media, such as film, videotapes, DVDs, encyclopedias, magazines, newspapers, CD-ROMs and other electronic reference materials. Long term planning and goals: First Semester Connecting with past learning (Revolutionary War to Reconstruction). 4 wks Industrialization, immigration, and Progressives. 3 wks Imperialism and World War I. 2 wks Roaring Twenties and the Crash. 3 wks The New Deal. 2 wks World War II. 2 wks The Home Front. 2 wks Second Semester The Cold War pt.1 (1945-1962). 3wks Postwar America 1945-1960. 2 wks The Civil Rights Movement. 3 wks The 1960s. 4 wks Vietnam War. 2 wks Nixon to Bush. 3 wks
During the year each student will actively participate in the study of history by completing the following research projects. Students will: 1. Hand draw a large geographic map of the United States 2. Construct a family tree and timeline. Interview family members and acquaintances regarding historical events and issues. 3. Conduct mock trials, press conferences, and skits covering several important historic events or eras. 4. Create a group video, newspaper, or museum display on a particular decade in United States history covering a variety of subjects. Classroom Management Plan: While in class students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and mature manner. To attain this end, the following expectations will be enforced and the following procedures will be used. While in class, students are expected to: 1. Be responsible for materials issued and all materials needed for class. 2. Be in their seat and ready to work when the class begins. 3. Obtain permission before speaking and leaving assigned seat. 4. Be accountable for the completion of all assigned class work. 5. Respect and be polite to all people, and to the property of others.
Violations will be dealt with in the following manner. 1st infraction-warning 2nd infraction-conference between student and teacher 3rd infraction-class detention (cleaning, etc.) and parent contacted 4th infraction-conference with parent 5th infraction and following infractions-parent contacted and Dean's Office (referral) Attendance Policy: A maximum of 7 full day/ 28 total class period absences are allowed during the current school year. Semester grade scale: 90%+ A 80%-89% B 65-79% C 55%-64%D below 55% Fail Yours truly, Mr. Mossberg Social Science Instructor United States History: Grade Eleven
Mr. Eric Mossberg Contact info: ejm0578@lausd.net School website: sanpedrohs.org Check your child’s grades at: schoology.com Students will be required to take home progress reports at the end of each unit, to be signed by parents/guardians, so as to facilitate parent awareness of their progress in class.
Oh my, exam day!