Riverfield ELEmentary School 4th Grade Junior Girl Scout Troop 30401 ROCKIN’ RECYcLERS And Resourceful Recyclers Recycling at School Riverfield ELEmentary School 4th Grade Junior Girl Scout Troop 30401
Learning about Recycling. What we can do to make a difference!!! Solar Bulbs Video: https://www.youtube.com?watch?v=bLg-K97sWxA Landfill Harmonic Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJxxdQox7no Landfill Harmonic Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/landfillharmonicmovie Solar Bulbs Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liter_of_Light TEDx talk about reuse of garbage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsfOvJEdurk
Research What is Recycling? How Can Riverfield Recycle Better? Information Gathering Discussions with Mr. Manny (Riverfield Head Custodian) Interview with Mrs. Bouloubasis (Cafeteria Manager at Riverfield) Interview with Ms. Anziano (Principal of Riverfield)
Trash – Reuse, Reduce, RECYCLE! We chose Recycling because: As we learned in several Websites: One person’s trash is another person’s treasure!!! Reuse →→ Reduce → → Recycle!!!
Not Enough Recycling In Our School Cafeteria! Interview the Principal Meet with the Head Custodian Meet with Cafeteria Manager Involve other GS Troops Spread the word! Install more recycle bins Add fun signs in the cafeteria Remind at lunchtime over PA system Not enough recycle bins No signs on what to recycle No reminders / Little encouragement Identify Problems Find Solutions Take Action Keep it up!
Set it in Motion! Interview with the Principal (Brenda Anziano) We Presented Our Project, Observations, and Suggested Solutions: Can we request more and bigger recycling bins from Winter Brothers Waste System? We can work with the Head Custodian to order from the company. We can decorate them with duct tape. Can we create fun/cool signs to place around the cafeteria which educate the students and staff about what to recycle and why it is important to recycle? We can make our own signs and put them up around the cafeteria: Please Recycle; Do It Right and Recycle; Don’t Throw Plastic Away; Make a Difference Can we make announcements at each lunch period to remind students and staff to recycle? We can make a schedule for Girl Scout Troop members to share this responsibility. Can we make public service announcements about recycling? We can make announcements to the school community over the PA system. Can we provide an overview of the problem and solutions during an all school assembly? We have been invited to share at an all school assembly!
Keep it in Motion! Meetings with the Head Custodian (Mr. Manny) and the Cafeteria Manager (Mrs. Bouloubasis) We Discussed Our Project and Requested Assistance: Can Mr. Manny help us get more and bigger recycling bins from Winter Brothers? he will contact the company about getting more and bigger recycling bins for the cafeteria. Troop members and leaders can assist with This, as appropriate. Can They help put the recycling bins in places in the cafeteria where they will be used? Yes, they can help us figure out best placement of the bins. Near Garbage Bins? At Exits? Can we place signs around the cafeteria to educate & remind students & staff about recycling? We can Create fun, cool signs to place around the cafeteria. Can we recycle in staff lounge, classrooms, office and other rooms? Mr. Manny has promised to assist with educating so recyclables in the entire school are placed in recycle bins. This is an ongoing Process so that we all keep up the good work!
Sharing our solution! Keep It going! Make it Fun: Whole school goal/competition: Examples: most materials recycled; less overall trash generated, how many bottles recycled? (Graph results over year) Have Recycling theme days Design fun games For annual sports day (like Field Day) Have Rockin’ DJ’s at lunch-time Examples: Make parodies about recycling; create catchy sing-along jingles
Sharing our solution! Keep It going! Make it Last: Add to Student Council Responsibilities Add on School Website Spread the Word: Share with other Scouts Share with other schools
We Will Succeed Our Solution will succeed because: there will be more and Larger bins around the cafeteria so no one will miss them! There will be cool, fun signs everywhere There will be regular reminders for everyone We will educate and re-educate…often, so that we all keep up the good work These are simple solutions: No technology, Minimal cost, easy for everyone!
REFERENCES Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection www.ct.gov/dep Connecticut Green Leaf Schools http://www.ctgreenschools.org/ Earth 99 www.earth911.com MIRA Education (Trash Museum) www.ctmira.org Recycling by Eleanor Hall (Farmington, MI, 2005)