Grade 4 - January 2016 Mrs. Donahue Welcome to PowerPoint Grade 4 - January 2016 Mrs. Donahue
Do you know what PowerPoint is? It is a piece of software that you can use to make presentations about something. In this class, we are going to use it to learn about the United States of America. There are lots of fun things you can do with your content. PowerPoint-2013-presentation-42229250-6c66-44cd-adf8- 2f5802c63f74?ui=en-US&rs=en-AU&ad=AU
Here is an example of a PowerPoint on Vermont
Welcome! This is Vermont Powerpoint by BK Donahue January 12, 2016
Facts about Vermont (from Wikipedia) Northeast Region Founded: Mar 04, 1791 Population: 626,562 (2014) Area: 9,623 sq miles (24,923 km²) Travel tip: With more than seventy-five per cent of its terraincovered by forests, Vermont is a state with wonderful scenery, in particular its autumn foliage. Its State parks with their mountains and forests offer endless opportunities for cycling, hiking, fishing, and in winter, skiing and snowboarding. If you are not the sporty … GDP: $29.51 billion USD (2013) Capital: Montpelier Senators: Bernie Sanders · Patrick Leahy Colleges and universities: University of Vermont · Vermont Law School · Middlebury College · Norwich University· Castleton State College · Champlain College · Bennington College · Union Institute & University · Saint Michael's College · Landmark College · Goddard College · Green Mountain College · Marlboro College · Southern Ver… Governor: Peter Shumlin State flower: Red Clover State animal: Morgan horse
Things I love about Vermont Yummy Maple Syrup
What you need to do: You will be creating a PPT show about your state – Minimum of 5 slides You need to open PPT and save the show to your Hdrive You need a title slide – name of state, your name and date Facts about your state including what REGION it is in. 3 pictures from your state and a text box explaining the picture You need a Map pf your state that shows the capital city, other big cities and any important physical features