Evaluation of HEP worker nodes Michele Michelotto at pd.infn.it


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Presentation transcript:

Evaluation of HEP worker nodes Michele Michelotto at pd.infn.it Gruppo Server Evaluation of HEP worker nodes Michele Michelotto at pd.infn.it

michele michelotto - INFN Padova T1 requirements 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova T1 + T2 cpu budget - LHC 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova SI2K Computing requirements and computing resources pledged still expressed in term of SI2K Big confusion. Which SI2K are we talking about? 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova Too many SI2K Take as an example a worker node with two Intel Woodcrest dual core 5160 at 3.06 GHz SI2K nominal: 2929 – 3089 (min – max) SI2K sum on 4 cores: 11716 - 12536 SI2K gcc-low: 5523 SI2K gcc-high: 7034 SI2K gcc-low + 50%: 8284 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova Even more Actually all the gcc results in the previous slide are on i386 (32bit) if you would like to know how your code is running on 64 bit machine, you can measure Specint INT 2000 with gcc on x86_64. So the worker node with two Intel Woodcrest dual core 5160 at 3.06 GHz SI2K nominal: 2929 – 3089 (min – max) SI2K on 4 cores: 11716 - 12536 SI2K gcc-low: 6021 SI2K gcc-high: 6409 SI2K gcc-low + 50%: 9031 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova Move to SI2006 My presentation at Hepix in Hamburg and St. Louis Presentation at the LCG MB LCG MB pushed to Hepix wg to propose quickly a solution, before next Hepix meeting (May 08) 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova Working group Hepix is an organization where HEP Computing Center people meets twice a year (Sprint Europe, Fall USA) IHEPCCC asked Hepix to form two Working group to study Storage and CPU benchmarking Real work started at the end of 2007 CPU group chaired by H.Meinhard (CERN) 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova WIP Work in progress Phone meeting every two weeks The first core of people from HEPIX (H.Meinhard, Alex Iribarren, Manfred Alef, Peter Wegner, Ian Gable, Martin Bly, Sandy Philcott From Januanry more people from experiments Gabriele Benelli (CMS), Franco Brasolin and Alessandro de Salvo (Atlas) + LHCB and Alice 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova Lxbench A set of dedicated machines Some old Xeon, one AMD275,one AMD 2218, two Woodcrest, only one Clovertown, no Barcelona, non Harpertown Measures of SPEC SI2k and Si2006 Int and FP 32 bit and 64 bit Speed, rate=n_cores, speed in parallel Measurement of HEP code Setup phase Only Atlas (FB+AdS) managed to run on all lxbench cluster 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova Atlas 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova SPEC rate vs parallel 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova More machines Some machines at DESY Maybe in RAL For some time a 2352 Barcelona in INFN-PD Need a set of dedicated machines in PD Proposal to CSN5 for HEPMARK experiment Michelotto, Gianoli, Brasolin, Crescente, Ferrari Referees L.Luminari, G.Salina Financ. Req. 2 WN/year 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova Power consumption 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova HT on or off Turning off Hyperthreading causes a 10% drop in performance but also a 20% drop in Power consumption 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova Intel 54xx 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova AMD 4core 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova

michele michelotto - INFN Padova Mem intel vs amd Who is faster? It depends on the block size On the red zones Intel is better. On the green zone AMD is better 4/3/2008 michele michelotto - INFN Padova