HIGH UNDUPLICATED AUDIENCE Entertainment & Film (Theatrical) HIGH UNDUPLICATED AUDIENCE CONSUMER INSIGHTS M18-34 9.6MM+ UNIQUE VISITORS Playwire Wikia 220 Attended movies in opening weekend 30.2% 48.8% 238 Are first among friends to see the latest movies IMDb 252 Attended up to 10 movies in the last 30 days 40.5% 276 Searched online for information on movie theaters IGN Bauer 65.4% 94.1% Source: comScore Audience Duplication Multiplatform / Cross Visiting / Plan Metrix, Q2 2017 Media: Craveonline [P]. Competitors: Playwire Media [NE], Wikia.com [E], IMDb [M], IGN Entertainment [P] and Bauer Entertainment Group [C].