Fundamentals of Finance Bob Donchez CUBIC 2012 Section 1 Fundamentals of Finance Bob Donchez
Bob Donchez Senior Instructor of Finance Teaching: MBA Finance, Senior Valuation Research Course, Corporate Finance, Financial Markets & Institutions, Introductory Finance, and Business of Sports since 1999 Degree: MBA Fordham University - NY,NY 1988 Robert.Donchez@Colorado.Edu (303) 492-5916 (office); (303) 818-7573 (cell) Koelbel, Room 423 Professional Experience Partner, Echo Brewing Company; 2011 – present Managing Partner, Real Estate Investment Group; 2005-present Financial Analyst, Salomon Brothers, NY; 1988-1992 Accounting Analyst, IBM World Trade 1985- 1988
Fundamentals of Finance Topics What is Finance? The measurement and study of an organization’s cash flows in order to make business decisions related to its: Operations Investments Financing
Describe your level of knowledge of finance… Question (1.0) Describe your level of knowledge of finance… A. Very low! B. Low—very little knowledge C. Medium—some knowledge D. High—know quite a bit E. Very high!
Fundamentals of Finance Topics Course Objectives • a working knowledge of the terminology of finance and fundamental concepts and tools used in the business world; • an understanding of the interrelationships between accounting and finance; • an understanding of the interrelationships between business management and a firm's financial statements; • an introduction to financial markets, the time value of money, risk and return, and the valuation of assets and business projects.
Fundamentals of Finance Topics 1) Introduction to Financial Management Financial Decisions/Activities Careers in Finance Business Forms Financial Management Goals Financial Markets
Fundamentals of Finance Topics 2) Financial Statements and Analysis Balance Sheet Income Statement Cash Flows Financial Analysis—Ratios Case #1: Financial Analysis: Chipotle Mexican Grill
Fundamentals of Finance Topics 3) Valuation of Financial Assets Time Value of Money Interest Rates and Bond Valuation Stocks and Stock Valuation Relationship between Risk and Return
Fundamentals of Finance Topics 4) Capital Budgeting Introduction to Capital Budgeting Capital Budgeting Tools Determining Relevant Cash Flows Developing Cash Flow Projections Determining Cost of Capital Case #2: Business Start-up Decision: Naturally Wrapped Food Stand
Fundamentals of Finance Topics Methods of student involvement Soliciting and addressing individual student questions, problems, and situations--questions always welcome. Clicker questions—feel free to work together on them Introduce topics and concepts Solicit opinions for discussion To work simple problems Team cases that highlight key topics and concepts On-line resources
What is your opinion of the field of finance? Question (1.1) What is your opinion of the field of finance? A. I may pursue a career in finance B. I want to understand finance to better myself C. I find finance more of a “necessary evil” D. I really don’t see myself needing/using finance E. My opinion of finance is still “up in the air”
1-0 Introduction to Financial Management Topics 1-1 Financial Decisions/Activities 1-2 Careers in Finance 1-3 Business Forms 1-4 Financial Management Goals 1-5 Financial Markets
Financial activities and decisions can be divided into 3 areas: Introduction to Financial Management 1-1 Financial Decisions/Activities Financial activities and decisions can be divided into 3 areas: Operating: Day to day operations to create profit Managing the income statement
Introduction to Financial Management 1-1 Financial Decisions/Activities Financial activities and decisions can be divided into 3 areas: 2) Investing How is firm money spent on assets? Managing the left side of the Balance Sheet current assets--working capital management fixed assets--capital budgeting
Introduction to Financial Management 1-1 Financial Decisions/Activities Financial activities and decisions can be divided into 3 areas: 3) Financing Focus on the sources of the Firm’s capital (debt and equity) Managing the right side of the Balance Sheet Amount and type of debt and equity--capital structure
Introduction to Financial Management 1-2 Careers in Finance Career Areas: Corporate Public and private companies, large and small Institutional Banks, insurance companies Investment Brokerage firms, investment banks Real estate International
Introduction to Financial Management 1-2 Careers in Finance Career Considerations: Structured AND creative Quantitative AND strategic Financial knowledge can be used in: General business OR specialized finance areas
Introduction to Financial Management 1-2 Careers in Finance Corporate finance careers—examples: Financial accountant Cash manager Credit manager Financial analyst Risk management Audit/fraud/compliance Budget director (budget, planning, and forecasting) Treasurer Director of finance Chief financial officer
Introduction to Financial Management 1-2 Careers in Finance Institutional finance careers—examples: Investment banking analyst Trust officer Commercial bank loan officer Audit officer Banking analyst Branch manager Vice president
Introduction to Financial Management 1-2 Careers in Finance Investment finance careers—examples: Financial advisor Stock broker Personal financial planning Financial analyst Security analyst Portfolio manager (mutual funds, hedge funds) Financial engineer
Introduction to Financial Management 1-2 Careers in Finance Real estate finance careers—examples: Real estate broker Mortgage banker Appraisal/valuation analyst Leasing analyst Commercial broker
Introduction to Financial Management 1-2 Careers in Finance International finance careers—examples: All of the previous careers outside the US Foreign exchange analyst International risk manager Finally: Financial Consulting Consulting on any of the above! On-line resource:
Question (1.3) Do you seriously think you might start your own business sometime in your career? A. Yes B. No
Introduction to Financial Management 1-3 Business Forms Sole Proprietorship Business owned by a single individual Partnership A business formed by two of more individuals or entities Corporation (“C” Corporation) A business created as a distinct legal entity owned by one or more individuals or entities.
Introduction to Financial Management 1-3 Business Forms “Hybrids” Generally, smaller entities which allow for the pass through of income (single tax event) and have limited liability. Examples: Sub S Corporation General/Limited Partnership Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Limited Liability Corporation (LLC)
Introduction to Financial Management 1-3 Business Forms Basis of comparison: Size Number in existence Owners Liability Taxes
Introduction to Financial Management 1-3 Business Forms Item Sole Prop Partnership Corporation “Hybrids” Number Many Few Size Small Small-Medium Small-Large Liability Unlimited Limited Tax Pass Through Double taxed Owners Proprietor 2+ Partners Shareholders Partners or shareholders On-line resource:
Question (1.4) What is your opinion of this statement: “The primary goal of any firm is to maximize its share price”. A. Correct and appropriate B. Not correct and inappropriate C. Partially correct, but other issues
Introduction to Financial Management 1-4 Financial Management Goals “Maximize share price” Issues Short versus long run Managing firm risks Managing interest of all stakeholders Sustainability “Triple bottom line” -- profits, people, planet
Introduction to Financial Management 1-5 Financial Markets Financial Intermediaries Connecting the producers of capital with the consumers of capital
Introduction to Financial Management 1-5 Financial Markets Primarily versus secondary markets Primary markets—original issuance of securities to the market Secondary markets—all subsequent trading of securities
Introduction to Financial Management 1-5 Financial Markets Securities markets Physical, auction markets: NYSE Dealer, “over the counter”, computer network: NASDAQ Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs), “SUPERDOT” Markets versus indexes: NYSE vs. S&P 500 or Dow Jones Industrials
Introduction to Financial Management 1-5 Financial Markets On-line resources: (derivatives)
Which response applies to you? Question (1.5) Which response applies to you? A. I have traded stocks and/or bonds B. I have bought or sold mutual funds C. I have not traded on the securities markets
Introduction to Financial Management 1-5 Financial Markets Securities markets—securities traded Publicly traded common stock Bonds—corporate and government Exchange traded funds (ETFs) Commodities Metals--gold, silver Agricultural—orange juice, beef Currencies—dollars, euros, yen Energy—gas, oil Derivatives Options and futures on the above securities