Developing a strategy Nicci Iacovou Quality Learning and Development 18/02/2018 Refreshing your management skills programme Session 5: Developing a strategy Nicci Iacovou Quality Learning and Development Nicci Iacovou, QLD.
Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Today’s session will be: Interactive, outlining the different processes for strategy development in practice, providing some basic tools for developing strategies. The workshop will also include time for practical application to the workplace, of theory learnt.
At the end of the session, you will have :- Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Learning outcomes At the end of the session, you will have :- An understanding of strategy development Increased familiarity with the methods for producing strategies A framework for developing a strategy.
Many definitions. Here are a few……….. Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy What is strategy? Many definitions. Here are a few………..
Developing a strategy 18/02/2018 Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Definition of strategy 1 Comes from the Greek for “strategos” meaning ‘general’. Hence The Concise Oxford Dictionary definition, 7th edition, 1982: “Generalship, the art of war, management of an army in a campaign………….to impose upon the enemy the place and time and conditions for fighting….; instance of, or plan formed according to, this.” Nicci Iacovou, QLD.
Developing a strategy 18/02/2018 Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Definition of strategy 2 ‘Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term; which achieves advantage for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectations.’ (Johnson and Scholes, 1999) Nicci Iacovou, QLD.
Developing a strategy 18/02/2018 Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Definition of strategy 3 A simpler to understand definition is: - “Strategy formulation is the process (structured or unstructured) of sketching out an activity map or pattern, which will guide an organisation’s deliberate moves, and will take it from ‘here to there’.” Source unknown Nicci Iacovou, QLD.
Which of the above is favoured by the NHS? Developing a strategy 18/02/2018 Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Different strategic management processes Theories of managerial control over strategic direction Which of the above is favoured by the NHS? Nicci Iacovou, QLD.
Which approach is/would be adopted by the NHS? Developing a strategy 18/02/2018 Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Different approaches to strategic management Which approach is/would be adopted by the NHS? Nicci Iacovou, QLD.
Business unit strategy Operational strategies Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Levels of strategy Corporate strategy Business unit strategy Operational strategies
Strategic architecture Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Vocabulary of strategy Mission Vision Goal Objective Core competencies Strategic architecture
Refreshing your management skills programme - Developing a strategy Three main aspects of strategy – strategic management model Taken from Johnson and Scholes (1999), Exploring Corporate Strategy
… is vital before developing a strategy. Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Strategy analysis…. … is vital before developing a strategy. Widely used tool is a SWOT/SCOT analysis, developed at Harvard University: ‘Summarises key issues from an analysis of the environment and the strategic capability of the organisation.” Adapted from Johnson & Scholes Exploring Corporate Strategy Prentice Hall, 1999
Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy SWOT/SCOT analysis… ….helps to identify the extent to which present and future performance of the individuals in the team contributes to the future success of that team. Present and future performance will be affected by factors which are internal and external to the team/organisation.
Weaknesses/Challenges Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy SWOT/SCOT analysis continued Internal factors – over which the team/organisation has some control – can be divided into:- Strengths Weaknesses/Challenges Group work – list at least 8 examples of internal factors in your workplace
Opportunities Threats Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy SWOT/SCOT analysis continued External factors – over which the team/organisation has little or no control – can be divided into:- Opportunities Threats
Environmental/Ecological Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy SWOT External factors continued Opportunities and Threats can be divided into six factors, a PESTLE analysis:- Political Technical Economic Legal Sociological Environmental/Ecological Group work – list at least 1 example of each of these external factors in your workplace
Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy SWOT/SCOT analysis Use the quadrant provided to conduct a SWOT analysis on your practice or network or cluster
Are the aims and objectives clearly identified? Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Strategic choice and implementation Are the aims and objectives clearly identified? Relevant national/local policies taken into account? Health related factors considered? – population, minority groups, health status, access etc. Evidence of effectiveness identified and considered? – research, professional standards, patient views, local projects etc.
Workplace, education and training issues considered/prioritised? Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Strategic choice and implementation continued Has the whole spectrum of care been addressed? – health promotion, referrals, follow-up, needs of particular groups, audit etc. Has the relationship to other services/agencies etc. been considered? – CCG, acute trusts, social service, public health, community pharmacy, voluntary sector etc. Workplace, education and training issues considered/prioritised?
Research and development implications? Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Strategic choice and implementation continued Research and development implications? Successful criteria for evaluating process and impact considered? Financial accountability and cost effectiveness? Timescale for implementation? Communication strategy to disseminate health impact message? Future technology development?
Strategic direction – the vision Statement of purpose Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Strategy framework Strategic direction – the vision Statement of purpose Background and current situation The need for change Priorities Action plan
Relevant/Realistic/Reviewed Measurable Possible Identifiable Developing a strategy 18/02/2018 Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Rules about strategic action plans – they should : Look after your ARMPITS Appropriate Relevant/Realistic/Reviewed Measurable Possible Identifiable Time-limited Stretching & Specific Be SMARTER Stretching & Specific Measurable Appropriate/Achievable Relevant/Realistic Time-limited Enjoyable/Evaluated Reviewed Nicci Iacovou, QLD.
Based on what you have learnt today: Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Moving forward Based on what you have learnt today: Discuss with the people next to you what one or two things you will do when you return to the workplace. Set a timescale for what you will do.
Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Resources Everyone Counts: Planning for Patients 2014/15 - 2018/19: Technical Definitions for CCGs and Area Teams NHS Strategy Templates Exploring Corporate Strategy by Johnson and Scholes (or later edition by several authors incl Johnson and Scholes)
Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Thank you Any questions?
Please complete the feedback sheet Refreshing your management skills programme Developing a strategy Finito/Terminado Please complete the feedback sheet