Connecting People with Disabilities to the Community and Employment Spring Dell Center, Inc. Connecting People with Disabilities to the Community and Employment
Options for Employees/Clients Served at Spring Dell Supported Employment: Work Crews: Individuals who have developed requisite work skills can be assisted in securing a job compatible with their interests and abilities. After finding a preferred job, individuals are provided with necessary levels of support to help them maintain this position by an Employment Specialist. As the individual’s skills increase, the Employment Specialist “fades” his or her support until only limited support is needed. Acts as a resource and advocates for the individual, identifying appropriate supports to help the individual enjoy success and productivity in his or her job. Crews are normally composed of 5 individuals and are supervised by a staff Training Specialist. The crews work at contracted employment or volunteer sites within the community. Although, this is a paid opportunity, individuals are encouraged to seek independent employment with other employers once they and their Training Specialist feel they are ready for employment independent of a group setting.
Spring Dell Center, Inc. Employer Engagement Marketing Plan Leadership Southern Maryland and Spring Dell Janet Salazar William Cords Lakeysha Moore Mandy Blackmon Donna Retzlaff, Executive Director Sheebah Smith, Director of Marketing and Development Maria Gonzalez, Director of Supported Employment
Goals Organization Marketing To educate local business, to include locally owned, franchise business and big box stores, on the benefits to them when hiring a person with a developmental disability for their ABILITIES Creation of an employer-led Employer Network Team Build awareness of Spring Dell Center’s objective to connect employers to qualified prospective employees within the Center’s purview Increase the number of people with developmental disabilities being provided the opportunity for employment Create a partnership with similar organizations and those included in the Job Alliance to use this plan as a targeted approach to prospective employers
Target Audiences and Segments Target Market includes area businesses and service organizations that would benefit from employing program participants in the Southern Maryland Region. Target audience: Retail and Restaurant Establishments—Identify and increase understanding of the benefits to employing a participant trained at Spring Dell by: sharing testimonials from current and past participants with similar businesses; outlining the training and skills that Spring Dell participants receive; matching skillset with their employment needs Increase pool of potential employers through access to Chamber and professional membership listings. Segment potential employers based on industry and share success stories of employment matches with similar businesses. Engage prospective employers through networking event in collaboration with local Chamber of Commerce. Invite current and past employers to showcase during networking event and share experiences with prospective employers. Networking event should be a marketing essential, with a focus on spotlighting current and courting potential employers.
Messages, Methods, and Tactics How can you best motivate your supporters to act? Build the network: Nurture relationships with prospective “supporters” within relevant local organizations, targeting specifically the local Chamber of Commerce. Attend / organize Job Fair working with local Chamber and speak present their. Message development: Shape and deliver messages that will clarify for, connect with Sponsors through consistent and memorable messaging. Branding/Positioning: Brand Spring Dell Center, Inc. more consistently more uniquely more boldly. Leverage and use Branding of Sponsors and Fortune 500 and Top Area employers as leverage to garner interest and credibility with prospective Sponsors. Ensure Employer/Sponsors Testimonials are featured on Website. Messages, Methods, and Tactics
Sample of the Marketing Plan Calendar
Sample Section of the Old Pamphlet
Put It All Together Benchmarks and Measurement Resources—What it Takes Roles and Responsibilities Existing Spring Dell Team Marketing Strategy should take approximately 12 Months to execute and assess. Additional training for team would include an updated marketing pitch with talking points Budget By the end of the first 90 days, the following actions should be compete: Website updated with focus on attracting new employers. New marketing collateral printed and ready for distribution. Team training for new marketing strategy should be completed. Launch marketing campaign to attract new employers. By the end of the first quarter, the following should be assessed: Website traffic, including the number of unique visitors and page views on “Employer” page Number of incoming inquiries (coming from website, marketing campaign or marketing print materials) from prospective new employers. Number of development meetings with prospective employers. Number of newly enrolled employers.
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Contact Information Phone: 301-934-4561 | 301-870-3758 Address: Spring Dell Center, Inc. 6040 Radio Station Road La Plata MD 20646