Date TimePicker, Month Calendar
DateTimePicker DateTimePicker allows us to select date and time. Date TimePicker is based on the control class. When we click on the drop-down arrow on this control it displays a month calendar from which we can make selections. When we make a selection that selection appears in the textbox part of the Date TimePicker.
DateTimePicker The Format property in the Appearance section is used to select the format of the date and time selected. Default value is long which displays the date in long format. Other values include short, time and custom.
DateTimePicker The CustomFormat property allows us to set the format for date and time depending on what we like. To use the CustomFormat property we need to set the Format property to Custom. The MaxDate Property allows us to set the maximum date we want the Date TimePicker to hold. Default MaxDate value set by the software is 12/31/9998 . The MinDate Property allows us to set the minimum date we want the Date TimePicker to hold. Default MinDate value set by the software is 1/1/1753 . The Text Property allows us to take the picked value from the user.
MonthCalendar The MonthCalendar control allows us to select date. The difference between a DateTimePicker and MonthCalendar is, in MonthCalendar we select the date visually and in DateTimePicker when we want to make a selection we click on the drop-down arrow and select the date from the MonthCalendar which is displayed.
MonthCalendar FirstDayOfWeek: Default value is Default which means that the week starts with Sunday as the first day and Saturday as last. You can set the first day of the week depending upon your choice by selecting from the predefined list with this property. ShowToday: Default value is set to True which displays the current date at the bottom of the Calendar. Setting it to False will hide it.
MonthCalendar ShowTodayCircle: Default value is set to True which displays a red circle on the current date. Setting it to False will make the circle disappear. ShowWeekNumber: Default is False. Setting it to True will display the week number of the current week in the 52 week year. That will be displayed towards the left side of the control.