Nutrition By: Tom Sung
Carbohydrates Provides energy Types: Simple (sugar) Complex (starches) Body breaks carbohydrates down into sugar Complex – better choice Sources: Grain, fruit, vegetable, dairy, etc…
Fats Stores energy for future use Types: Saturated (bad for health) Unsaturated (great for health) Trans (bad for health) Important for keeping the body healthy Saturated & trans – increase heart disease risk Sources: oil, protein, dairy, fried foods, etc…
Protein Build, maintains, and replaces tissues Types: Animal Vegetable Molecules uses protein to do specific jobs Cardiac muscle also uses protein Amino acids – makes protein Sources: meat, dairy, beans, etc…
Fibre Pushes undigested food Types: Soluble Insoluble Soluble dissolves in water – insoluble does not Lowers blood cholesterol, prevents diabetes & heart disease Some foods have soluble & insoluble Sources: whole-grain, vegetables, fruits, etc…
Vitamins Nutrients needed to perform body functions Types: Fat-soluble Water-soluble Fat-soluble – stored for future use Water-soluble – travels in bloodstream Vitamins A, D, E, K - fat soluble Sources: Dairy, protein, fruits, vegetables, etc…
Minerals Helps body grow, develop, & stay healthy Types: Macro Trace Macro – more needed than trace Macro – made of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc… Trace – made of iron, copper, zinc, etc… Sources: Dairy, green vegetables, fruits, proteins, etc…
Water Essential for life No types Cools body down through sweat Needed in 3L – 5L Needed in digestion & get rid of waste Cells needs water to function properly Sources: Found in every food
Bibliography Carbohydrates: Fats: Proteins: Fibre: Vitamins: Minerals: Water: