WICKED AWESOME PDF EBOOK SLIDE TEMPLATE From Catherine at ShaSharables Like the template? Subsribe to the channel and please visit the website too. Thanks, Catherine **Please delete this slide before saving your document to PDF! Shamless Social Media Plugs! Twitter, Facebook, Bumpyboobs Blog, ShaSharables Blog, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+. Oh my god, too much time on my hands.
Your Brilliant Title The other details you may like to share with everyone. Your lovely name of Link to your blog, if you like, to edit use the hyperlink option. Psst. You can move these text boxes, add more text boxes and change things as you like – this is just a basic example! Please delete this note box, unless you think it looks good on your cover. ~Catherine
This is a general page for your text input This is a general page for your text input. You might want to add an author’s note, or something about copyright, which would be smart to do. This text is in a text box, you can change the size and shape of this as you like. Under this text box is a white rectangle to help your text been seen against the image. It’s slightly transparent. You can change the white rectangle by clicking on it and using the ‘format’ tab of your PowerPoint. You can amend the transparency by right clicking and playing with the settings. Yay! This text box has dashes. To get rid of dashes, right click text box and choose the ‘no line’ setting. Okay, we’re getting there.
This is literally a copy & paste of the previous page This is literally a copy & paste of the previous page. Maybe you want this to be a table of contents? I’m not going into that, though I’m sure it can be done. Otherwise just list the chapter headings and page numbers. To copy page templates you 1) create a new slide. There’s an option for this on you ‘home’ tab. Click “New Slide” – the top part, not the bottom, otherwise you’ll have all these useless choices and none of them are necessary. So click the top. 2) On the page you want to copy select CNTRL + A Then CNTRL + C 3) Go to the blank page and select CNTRL + V Voila – everything has been copied over, now be sure to change the text! (If you want to ditch the background, just select & delete)
Your Post title Your text. Insert here, if your chapter/post goes beyond on page then you’ll need the next sheet.
Your post title Your text. Insert here, if your chapter/post goes beyond on page then you’ll need the next sheet. Continue to cut and paste this page until you’ve completed your chapter/post. Once you’ve inserted all you like and it looks good, save the power point file (which hopefully you’ve been saving along your way) as a PDF file. So Save As & choose teh PDF format. There you go! For an example of a completed PDF ebook, visit my free ebook, “Bumpyboobs: Diagnosis Delirium” found through this link.