E-Safety at Newcroft
The Power of Image
There are now more ways than ever before to create, edit and share images and videos online.
Did you know… Images and videos get 8,500 likes and 1,000 comments per second on Instagram On Instagram, photos showing faces are 38% more likely to get ‘likes’ than photos without faces 400 million snaps are sent on Snapchat each day 1.8 million images are uploaded to the internet every day 1.8 million images are uploaded to the internet every day The equivalent of 110 years of live video is watched on Periscope every day. 300 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every day 300 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every day
What are we doing about E-safety at Newcroft? Each year group (including Reception) follows planning for Computing E-safety is covered every term Key stage 2 pupils have all signed (and their parents) an acceptable use policy for using school computers/iPads
Jigsaw: 8-10 year olds https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=_o8auwnJtqE
What can I do right now? Open dialogue with your child Sign up to the UK Safer Internet Centre newsletter at: saferinternet.org.uk Open dialogue with your child Family agreement Consider filtering and blocking software Think before you/they post Understand the laws Privacy settings and reporting Save the evidence and report the incident Know where to get help Watch SID TV clips
Want more information? Follow us We are happy to answer questions! education@childnet.com www.saferinternet.org.uk www.childnet.com Follow us saferinternetuk @UK_SIC
Alan Mackenzie www.esafety-adviser.com http://www.esafety-adviser.com/latest-newsletter/ Parents can sign up to the free magazine and it will be emailed to them.
Queries: Come and see me, email me on llloyd@newcroft.leics.sch.uk or through class dojo
Useful Links: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/2017 www.esafety-adviser.com https://ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/ https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o8auwnJtqE http://www.childnet.com/resources/smartie-the-penguin https://www.internetmatters.org/?gclid=CLHG68mc99ECFYoaGwod8wQCTQ
Links (Cont’d) https://www.nspcc.org.uk/ https://www.iwf.org.uk/ https://leics.police.uk/categories/kayleighs-love-story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsbYHI-rZOE http://www.childnet.com/ufiles/DigiDuck-eBook.pdf http://www.childnet.com/resources/esafety-and-computing