Oracle Tools for SQL Server? Jeff Smith || @thatjeffsmith Senior Principal Product Manager Database Development Tools Group To customize this slide with your own picture: Right-click the slide area and choose Format Background from the pop-up menu. From the Fill menu, click Picture and texture fill. Under Insert from: click File. Locate your new picture and click Insert. To Replace the LOGO on this sample slide: Right-click the sample LOGO and choose Change Picture. Navigate to the location where the new logo is stored, select desired logo file and click on the Open button to replace the sample logo. Oracle Confidential – Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted
Agenda What We’re Going to Talk About Today Oracle at a SQLSaturday, What’s Up with That? Introduction to our free stuff SQL Server Support A few ‘tricks’ and things you may enjoy Questions As We Go! Improve application developers experience
Oracle SQL Developer FREE Oracle Database IDE/GUI Windows, OS X, *NIX More than 4,000,000 users worldwide Java Application (JDBC)
SQL Developer Data Modeler Included for free, also available as a separate download/program Strategy and Analysis ERD DFD Import Models Data Type Domains Logical Multidimensional Reporting Database Design Relational Star Schema Physical
A Quick Word on Java… You’ll need a JDK, not just a JRE (not the Java that runs in your browser) I recommend Java 8 Or download SQL Developer that includes the JDK – no install required
SQL Developer & SQL Server In a Nutshell SQL Server connectivity in SQL Developer is provided officially for migration projects Copy to Oracle Right Click (single objects, quick ‘n’ dirty) T-SQL -> Oracle SQL & PL/SQL Translator Wizard driven complete database migrations Object Editors are read only SQL Worksheet for Ad Hoc Queries/Scripts User Defined Reports
Connectivity Copy ntlmauth.dll to your JDK/jre/bin directory We require the jTDS driver for SQL Server & Sybase ASE OS and User/Pass Authentication Set default Database Copy ntlmauth.dll to your JDK/jre/bin directory
Connectivity – Mac? Open connections.xml file in your SQLDev Install Folder/.sqldeveloper/system* dir <StringRefAddr addrType="customUrl"> <Contents>jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://Server_FQDN:1433;instance=<instance_name>;domain=<domain_name>/</Contents> Thanks +Anthony Ballow for the tip!
Browser – Click, See Objects Immediately browse objects and see the data Non-Oracle objects are basic features only, no updates/alters
Worksheet: Best for Ad Hoc Queries
Worksheet: Hints /*sqldev:query*/ if your expecting a result set to be returned /*sqldev:stmt*/ if you are expecting nothing returned
In lieu of clicking through SQL History (F8) Some Things You May Like: SQL History In lieu of clicking through SQL History (F8)
Some Things You May Like: Formatting Query Results Add Comment Execute via F5 (Script) Comment labels match grid export formatter labels JSON, CSV, Insert, XML…
Some Things You May Like: Formatting Query Results
Get Data Out…
Reports Queries on Demand Multi-Level Exporting Prompt for Values
Report Design
Reports: Prompt for Values (use Binds)
Data Modeler RE or build from scratch Generate DDL Reporting Versioning and Change Control ‘Quick Demo’
Preferences: Default RDBMS
Design from Scratch or Start with an Existing System?
Identity Columns, Yup!
SQL Translator
Quick and Dirty – Copies Base Object and Data Only Some Migration Stuff: Copy to Oracle Quick and Dirty – Copies Base Object and Data Only
Some Migration Stuff: Formal Migration Projects Select Objects Converted to Oracle ‘model’ Refactors & translates stored procs, views, etc. Deployed to ORCL target Data is loaded
More Free Stuff From Oracle: VirtualBox Images All Free Learn Oracle Database, APEX, SQL, and more Enterprise Edition with all options Software pre-installed and configured Demo data & hands on labs
Runs on an Oracle Linux Appliance VirtualBox Appliance Instructions
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