Building and Athletic Project Fall 2016 Staff update Vision by 2020 w goals! School Measures & SPP Building and Athletic Project
Spring 2017 Staff Update Building and Campus Improvements Vision by 2020 w goals! SPP Changing to Future Ready Index Building and Campus Improvements Financial Outlook Engagement Survey
All students reading and comprehending by the end of second grade. Directional Leadership for Learning in Work and Life All students reading and comprehending by the end of second grade. 50% of students ready for community college or holding a trade certificate 90% of Students Reporting Engagement Daily use of 21st Century Skills of Communication, Collaboration, Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking 40% of students ready for 4-year college Top 30% SPP Scores in PA and or Future Ready Index
School Performance Profile SPP 50% Proficiency 40% Growth 10% Other School Performance Profile SPP More Emphasis on Growth 4th -Keystone Grade 3 Reading and Grade 7 Math Emphasis Decrease in Below Basic Career Awareness Instruction at Elem/Middle/HS Unsure of Weighting No Single Score Future Ready Index
Planning NI or ES Future Slide Minimal to no Changes BrightBytes Post Position Planning NI or ES Future Slide Minimal to no Changes Thoughts? BrightBytes
Building and Campus Improvements All improvements at ACES and Phase I of Campus Improvements did not increase year to year operating costs. The debt/mortgage payments remained the same. ACES is schedule to be finished on August 7th. We need $400,000 in community fundraising to complete Phase I of the campus improvements. Board committed to saving for a future middle/high school update in 2024. We will explore options and ideas before we begin Phase II of the campus improvements.
FY 17-18 Contractual Increases Classification Dollars Administrators $45,000 Teachers $270,000 Classified Staff * Total Wages Only $365,000 Including Wages,FICA,PSERS $512,000 How much revenue would a 1% tax increase equal in dollars? * - Same as FY17 – Contract expires 6/30/17
LASD Staffing – 70% of Budget Positions 2006 2018 % Increase (Decrease) Administrators 17 15 (12%) Teachers 171 151 Café 31 26 (16%) Aides 21 12 (43%) Custodian 20 (15%) Secretaries 16.5 13 (21%) Students * 2,273 1,917* 16% LASD has another 180 student off campus alt ed, cyber, charter, IEP.
Building Budgets Over Time 2010 2018 % Increase (Decrease) RAES/AC $264,519 $104,500 (60%) Maple Avenue $149,214 $68,850 (54%) High School $347,408 $206,700 (41%) Technology $209,805 $465,813 122% Curriculum & Instruction $126,947 $172,000 35% Transportation $551,750 $738,700 34% Facilities $1,156,295 $931,825 (19%)
LASD Median Household Income LASD ranks 120 out of 500 school districts in 5-year Median Household Income ($63,107) 3 to 4 % increase per year since 2010 Local Tax Effort – LASD ranks 287 out of 500 school districts
Real Estate Taxes ($1,319.15) v. peer per student
Financial Outlook Ok so Far $700,000-$800,000 needed for 2017-2018 Stabilized Health Care Costs or slight reduction based on last 6 months Two years of additional state dollars LASD board exceeded index in 2016 to bridge gaps Flat lined Cyber School Costs due to LASD cyber school Students, staff, and building budgets decreased over last 10 years Salary and PSERS major driving forces Continued investment in technology and curriculum
2017 Engagement Surveys Released in May Progress Report and Update Community Provide a Safe Learning Environment Keeping Class Sizes Manageable Expand Opportunities Increase Technology Meeting the needs of students in disadvantaged situations Staff 40% indicate the district training helps your practice 59% indicated work is distributed fairly 47% indicated the evaluation tool is helpful in assessing work performance 39% indicated the district office explains how decisions are made Students 10% considered dropping out 19% indicate homework is interesting 44% are interested in what they are learning 53% are proud to go to this school 49% are praised for doing good work School Board Increase teacher collaboration and planning time Reduce impact of state and federal mandates Develop budgeting principles and guidelines Enhance Technology Access Send more students to 2 and 4 year school Rejuvenate the Arts and Music programs
Developing Excelling Progress cont’d Needs Improvement Community Support Motivated Staff Teachers and Parents Believe in Students School Board believes in Staff Keystone Exams and 8th Grade results in Math and English Developing Expectations for All Staff Training 50% of students are proud to be a bolt 60% of students are college and career ready PSSA and Advanced Placement Results Budgeting Principles Needs Improvement Educational Technology Explaining how decisions are made 50% of students are interested in what they are learning. Enhance programming in arts, music, STEAM, bio medical 6th and 7th grade Math and Early Childhood Programming Revenue Generating Practices