By: Andrew O. Brianna T. Lisa V. Kassi Timothy S. Review Terms #2 By: Andrew O. Brianna T. Lisa V. Kassi Timothy S.
President Johnson Introduced Medicare and Medicaid Focused on voters rights and Racial equality Cut back on social improvements during Vietnam war Improved education to combat poverty Improved over all domestic lifestyles
Great Society: War on Poverty Johnson was appalled by the 19% poverty rate in America He Initiated programs to help under privileged children to get an education He believed that if you had the younger generation of poverty to get an education they could get a Job that would pull them out of poverty
Great Society: Nationality Act of 1964 Abolished National Origins Quotas Instead focused on Skills and relations in America
Escalation of the Vietnam War Their was an attack on an American fleet in the Tonkin Gulf Within hours Johnson ordered the first airstrikes on North Vietnam August 7th Congress passed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution that gave Johnson the power to take “all necessary measures” to stop aggression Johnson took this as permission to start large scale war
Medicare/Medicaid Created in 1965 to provide people over the age of 65 with health care. It was modeled on the private insurance system. This has helped improve the health and longer life of older Americans.
Gideon v. Wainwright held that the right of an indigent defendant to appointed counsel is a fundamental right, essential to a fair trial. Failure to provide an indigent defendant with an attorney is a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution
Mapp v Ohio Dollree Mapp was accused of hiding a bombing suspect in her house. The police searched her house without a warrant and found explicit books and photographs Charged with violating law prohibiting “lewd, lascivious, or obscene material” Court decided that evidence found in “unreasonable search and seizures” can not be used in state court
Engel v. Vitale The Engel’s were parents of a student in a New York school in which a prayer was offered at the beginning of a school. They claimed this to be against first amendment. The supreme court backed this claim and called for a separation of church and state in all state and public schools
Griswold v. Connecticut Ruled the state’s ban on the use of contraceptives violated the right to marital privacy.
Miranda . Arizona Government authorities need to inform individuals of their Fifth Amendment constitutional rights prior to an interrogation following an arrest. “Miranda Rights”