Welcome to English I Ms. Lockrow Room 224
Why are we all here? This course explores the topic of ADOLESCENCE both in the texts we read and in your own lives.
You will become better THINKERS by Exploring types of literature (genres): novels, plays, poems & short stories Asking questions about the texts we read, the world you live in and your own adolescence
You will become better READERS by Reading more actively so that you can formulate your own ideas & questions Trying out different kinds of note-taking Reflecting on and reacting to what you’ve read
You will become better WRITERS by Experimenting with different types of responses to texts including journals & creative responses Creating & developing an original literary analysis of texts
You will become better at DISCUSSIONS by Practicing being a productive speaker and a productive listener through exchanging ideas and asking questions.
What is the nature of the teenager? Essential Questions What is the nature of the teenager? What does literature teach us about growing up? What kinds of experiences change teenagers?
Our class is text-based Our class is text-based. Some of the texts we will read in our class are…
Short Stories by Sylvia Plath “Initiation” by Sylvia Plath This story is sort of like Mean Girls but set in the 1950s. Millicent wants to join her high school sorority, but is she willing to ditch her friends to do it?
Short Stories “On the Sidewalk, Bleeding” by Evan Hunter Two gangs...a dark alley…tragic results
Short Stories “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut You’d think everything in the future will be cool, but what if it’s not?
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Holden Caulfield is getting ready for winter break from his life at a high pressure prep school but he’s not exactly what you’d call a “great student” and it’s report card time…
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd Lily Owens, a young girl growing up in rural South Carolina, spends each day mourning her mother and struggling with issues of race, family, and self-confidence.
Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare Two teenagers in love, so what’s the problem? Well, there are many problems, but first of all, their families hate each other… a lot. What can they do?
And now a few words about RESPONSIBILITY
Responsibilities MINE: YOURS: v I will hold you, as well as your schoolwork, to high standards. v I will care about you and respect you as an individual. v I will be available for extra help. v I will help you see writing as interesting and meaningful. YOURS: v You will treat our class and its members with respect. v You will come to class on time and prepared (binder, book, writing utensil) v You will take your job as a student seriously. v You will be quiet and attentive when anyone else is speaking.
Our Shared Responsibility We will work to create an environment that is comfortable and respectful in which learning can happen.
Rules & Procedures for My Classroom And now… Rules & Procedures for My Classroom