Global Standards United Nations Centre of Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business Barbara Cooper June 2011
UN/CEFACT United Nations Centre of Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business Supports the activities dedicated to improving the ability of business, trade and administrative organisations to exchange products and relevant services effectively UN Layout Key for Trade Documents UN/EDIFACT international standard for electronic data interchange Trade facilitation recommendations Core Components Library XML Schemas November 2012 PowerPoint Template
UN/CEFACT Open Development Process 8 Steps in ODP eCert Project Team established Business Requirements Specification Requirements Specification Mapping Harmonisation of Core Components XML Schema November 2012 PowerPoint Template
UN/CEFACT PROCESS 2004 - 2008 eCert Project Team formed in 2004 Co Chaired by Australia and New Zealand Business Requirements Specification (BRS) Drafted and redrafted Requirements Specification Mapping (RSM) Harmonisation/CCL Weekly teleconferences and f2f meetings APPROVED XML Schema November 2012 PowerPoint Template
UN/CEFACT Standard eCert SPS Recognition of a standard amongst trading partners Simplify data requirements to enable multiple country exchanges Improve business processes for import clearance by providing consistent quality data Facilitate real time clearance November 2012 PowerPoint Template
Latest IPPC ePhyto Inputs Request for additional data element to accommodate consignments with packages containing more than one (1) plant species. Request for an additional certificate to accommodate our “Re-export phytosanitary certificate November 2012 (PJ) PowerPoint Template