Organizational Systems and Structures Global Neutral 01001a Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf Leadership Pathway Organizational Systems and Structures 59 min as designed Materials: Chart paper, markers (1 per Mini-Team) Handouts; Level 3 Systems and Structures handout, 1 per participant February 2016
Please Sit with Your Mini-Team ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Please Sit with Your Mini-Team IMAGE CREDITS
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Systems and Structures Session Objectives: Participants will be able to use key evaluation questions to assess whether systems and structures provide the appropriate level of organizational support. Agenda: Opening and Activator A Quick Guskey Primer Mini-Team Time: –An Ideal Literacy Program –Organizational Support 4. Survey 1 min Speaker Notes:
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES In Your Sphere of Influence . . . What do you want to SEE happening differently in classrooms for students in literacy? Write up to three substantive and visible changes for the next months. 1. 2. 3. To make that happen for children, what do you want to SEE teachers and/or leaders doing differently in literacy? 1. 2. 3. 4 min Speaker Notes: 2 min - In your role as a leader or a support to school leaders, individually and quietly write down 3 things that you want to see happening differently for students in the next 3 months. These 3 things should be substantive and visible – something you will able to see when watching students learn. <Click> 2 min - Likewise, write down 3 things that teachers or leaders need to be doing differently to make your vision for the students come to be. For teachers, consider use of time, planning, professional learning, collaboration, observation and feedback, curriculum, etc. Say: these two questions represent Thomas Guskey’s Levels 4 and 5 for Evaluating Professional Development. We use the Guskey questions for planning AND evaluating implementation of change in schools because so much of it happens through professional development experiences. Transition: Let me give you a little background on Guskey’s work before proceeding.
3. Organizational Support and Change ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Guskey—A Quick Primer Levels 4 & 5 can be only be determined back at school. 5. What impact did the reform have on students? Did teachers incorporate the new knowledge and skills into practice? 3. Organizational Support and Change 2. Did they acquire intended knowledge and skills? Levels 1 & 2 can be determined at the end of a session. 10 min Speaker Notes: Dr. Thomas R. Guskey is an expert in evaluation design, analysis, and educational reform, the author of the 2000 seminal book Evaluating Professional Development, and he is a professor at the University of Kentucky. Don’t let then name of the book fool you: Dr. Guskey’s work is about so much more than PD – though PD for teachers is often one of the ways the classroom experience changes for children. Guskey provides strategic guidance to design change in schools. Guskey lists 5 levels of professional development for us to consider. <Click> Level 5 - When you first think about the impact you want learning to have on students, you have to begin with the right target: the intended impact on children. You just did that in our opening reflection. Ask: Can someone tell me 1 example that you wrote? <Click> Level 4 - Once you have a clear picture of what you want for students, then you should think about what that would mean for teachers: what would be different in their classrooms, in their planning, in their meetings, in their professional development. What would you be able to SEE? That observable change should drive the design and learning outcomes of any professional development. Ask the same person who volunteered answer to Level 5 question: What is 1 thing you wrote that you wanted to SEE teachers doing differently? <Click> Levels 2 and 1 are very important. PD must be high-quality and relevant and participants must be able to learn the intended outcomes. <Click> These levels are the only ones that can be assessed on-site at a learning experience – like the surveys we do every day here, or the plus/deltas you do at the end of a retreat or collaboration meeting with teachers. <Click> and Levels 4 and 5 cannot. They can only be determined back at school. Ask: Think of a time when you have experienced really strong professional development: you liked it; it was worthwhile; and you definitely acquired the intended knowledge and skills… BUT you did not fully incorporate the new learning into your practice. What got in the way? (get 1-2 examples) <Click>: Level 3 - This leads us to the missing Level 3, which is so important because you are all Lever 3ers. Organizational Support and Change is the place where your organization – your support, follow-up, school policies, systems, structures, culture, etc. – either helps implementation happen or prevents/slows it down. For example: if teachers are trained on building knowledge and vocabulary through a volume of reading—but when children go the the media center they are only allowed to check out 1 book that matches their Guided Reading or Accelerated Reading level— then organizational policies or procedures do not support the change you want to see. Transition: Let’s pause on this right now. You’ll come back to it in a bit. It’s time to decide on an Ideal Literacy Program. Background: Guskey adapted Donald Kirkpatrick’s 4 levels of evaluating professional training by adding a level 3. IMAGE CREDITS 1. Did they like it? Was it worthwhile? Was it relevant and delivered with quality?
Your Ideal Literacy Program ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Your Ideal Literacy Program Our Ideal Literacy Program Rationale ___________ Organizational Systems and Structures Rationale ___________ 34 min Speaker Notes: 10 min - <Click> On chart paper, describe your ideal program that develops college- and career-ready students. Place all your program descriptions above the line. Include a short rationale for your choices. Stop the action at 10 minutes. <Click> - Say: Now that you have your program designed, you are going to move below the line and add in the Level 3 Organizational Systems and Structures that must be in place for Level 4 to be observable in the classroom. We have a handout with guiding questions to help you. Don’t do all of them – prioritize. 12 min - Add priority Organizational Systems and Structures and rationale Stop the action after 12 minutes. Say: Now you will review another mini-team’s Organizational Systems and Structures. 1 person of the Mini-Team stays home as Mini-Team Rep to explain the program and essential supporting systems and structures. This person should be able to be succinct in their descriptions. The rest of your team moves clockwise to the next team to hear the program and supports, probe and then make a recommendation for 1 high leverage improvement. 10 min – Move and Improve 2 min - The Mini-Team Rep explains the program and systems/structures. 8 min - Focus on the supports and whether or not they have addressed the critical barriers that could prevent Level 4. Suggest 1 high leverage improvement. 2 min – Return home to hear the recommendation. IMAGE CREDITS:
Standing Take-Aways ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES What do you now know that you did not know before? What do you now think that you did not think before? What will you now do that you did not do before? 5 min Speaker Notes: To close out these 2 days on ELA, please reflect and respond as you feel inclined – either in response to these prompts or in some other authentic way. Transition: Thank you. It’s been a great 2 days focused on literacy. Once you complete today’s survey, you’re free to leave. We’ll see you in the morning for math! IMAGE CREDITS:
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Feedback Please fill out the survey located here: -Click “February Institute” on the top right -Click “Details” on the center of the page 5 min Speaker Notes: Please fill out the survey to help us improve!
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Reference List Slide Source 5 Guskey, Thomas. Evaluating Professional Development. 2000. Corwin Press. Image Credits Slide 2: Slide 5: Slides 6-7:
ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Image Credits Slide 2: Slide 5: Slides 6-7: