Inspire a world of good?
Academic Advising and career services At Wheelock College Presented by the Office of Student Success
Introductions Kelly Graham Malcolm Pace Director of Career Services Assistant Director of Advising
agenda for Today Overview of the Division of Student Success and Engagement Academic Advising at Wheelock Career Services at Wheelock Supporting Your Student Advising during First Year Introduction
The division of Student Success & ENGAGEMENT Student Success uses a developmental philosophy and holistic approach to empower students to reach their educational, professional, and personal goals. Student Success is concerned not only with a specific personal or vocational decision, but also with facilitating environmental and interpersonal interaction, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Areas within Office Student Success include: Academic Advising Academic Assistance Career Services Disability Services International Student Services Areas within Student Life Student Life Residence Life Athletics Multicultural Affairs Counseling Center
Academic Advising Junior Year First Year Senior Year Sophomore Year Wheelock's advising model is uniquely designed to help students get the most from their undergraduate experience. Professional Advisor Faculty Advisor First Year Transition to college Major exploration Goal setting Sophomore Year Academic planning Service learning Study abroad Junior Year Support during academic internships Career planning Senior Year Graduation audits Planning for life after Wheelock
Academic advising in the first year Student Learning Outcomes Articulate what success means Identify and use campus resources Understand how academic performance affects degree progress Engage in the college community Welcome to Advising Build rapport with students Explain advising relationship Discuss students’ expectations Course Advising Discuss academic interests and course options Help navigating MyWheelock portal Major Exploration Interact with faculty, staff, and other students about possible majors or minors Understand individual interests, skills, and passions and how they relate to intended program(s) of study Declare program(s) if ready Debrief major exploration events Continue discussion of possible major and career options Review course options and MyWheelock At Wheelock, we care about the whole person. We understand that what happens outside the classroom is just as important as what happens inside the classroom.
The start of a beautiful relationship The introduction of academic advising and its role Meet the advising team and discuss expectations Engage with students and answer questions Fall 2017 course advising
First Year Schedule *Full time status is 12 credits Fall Semester Human Growth and Development or General Education Course English 120/121 First Year Seminar Intended Major/ General Education Course Spring Semester Human Growth and Development English 121/Intended Major Course General Education Course Intended Major/General Education Course *Full time status is 12 credits
Career Community at Wheelock Career Services is a vital part of the Wheelock College community that responds effectively to the career development needs of students starting their first year on campus through graduation and beyond. Through the development of office programs and on- and off-campus partnerships, Career Services helps students make meaningful community connections that support: career exploration, goal setting and preparation; involvement in curricular and co-curricular opportunities that prepare students for the professional world or graduate school; development of strong networks; and a competitive edge in any job market.
Career Services and Resources appointments, workshops, events and website Appointments and Workshops Career Exploration Resume Review Cover Letter Review Mock Interviews Job and Internship Search Strategies Planning for Graduate School Social Media and Professional Branding How to Build Skills Through Campus Experiences Networking Events Career Fairs Employer Information Sessions On-Campus interviews Resumania Co-sponsored Events Resources What Can I Do with a Major… Wheelock Works SkillScan Website and Guides
Four Year career development plan Engage and Explore Engage, Explore and Prepare Prepare and Experience Experience and Transition Encourage your student to visit Career Services Advise your student to write a resume Encourage your student to get involved in campus clubs/organizations Support your student’s exploration of interests, skills and abilities as well as majors and careers Engage and Explore
Helping your Student Take Charge Students will be in the driver’s seat They are responsible for monitoring their own progress They need to read and respond to their Wheelock email regularly Students must seek out the help they need Encourage them to communicate, meet and get to know professors, support staff, academic advisors and career counselors It is your student’s job to keep you in the loop Discuss a communication plan Talk with your student about how YOU can best SUPPORT success
What are your expectations for your student here at Wheelock? Questions? What are your expectations for your student here at Wheelock?
See you at Fall Family Weekend Friday-Sunday October 13th -15th