Identify House Building Science Explain Basics of Plumbing By : SMK Negeri 5 Surakarta
The goal of learning Student can explain the job of pipe PVC joining. Student can explain pipeng system. Student can explain kinds of water pump. Student can explain kinds of water tank. Student can explain kinds of drainage channel. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Pipe PVC Installation Pipe joining Pipe installation consist not only a stem of pipe, but consits of some pipe which is joined to flow water up to the last. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Pipe PVC installation A. Pipe joining Joining tool Elbow Flock Shock Reducer Shocket Tee Valve Socket Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Pipe PVC installation B. Pipeng system Clean water providing net is used for : a. Direct joining system b. Top tank system c. Press tangk system d. Without tank system e. Complete tools 1) Water faucet 2) Shower Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Pipe PVC InstallationINSTALASI PIPA PVC Water Faucet Kinds of shapes Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Pipe PVC InstallationINSTALASI PIPA PVC Shower Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Sewage disposal channels a. Installation system Water disposal system Pipe installing a) Horizontal pipe against Building construction. b) vertical pipe against Building construction Terhadap Konstruksi Bangunan. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Sewage disposal chanel. Trap The purpose of trap installing is to prevent the entering of smell gas or poisened or even insects. atau bahkan serangga Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Sewage disposal channel Trap Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Sewage disposal Channel b. Catcher The purpose is to prevent materials which can cover. The kinds of it consists of : a. Oil catcher b. Fat catcher c. Sand catcher d. Hair catcher Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Sewage disposal Channel Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Water pump and drainage For getting land water and distribute it Hand pump/ press absorb pump. 2. Electriuct pump Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Water pump and drainage Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Water pump and drainage B. Water tank 1. water tank from Alumunium 2. Water tank from Polyethylene Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Water pump and drainage Water tank from alumunium Teknologi dan Rekayasa
POMPA AIR DAN DRAINASE Water tank from polyethylene Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Water pump and Drainage C. Drainage Drainage of land surface Horizontal water eave a. Build up eave b. Concrete eave 3. Vertical eave 4. control busin 5. Roof Drain Teknologi dan Rekayasa