Poquoson Elementary School Cell Phone Smarts
Click on the bullets and see what happens! Cell Phone Usage Cell phones are an amazing way for average people to access many abilities. These great inventions also have a down side to them, including the following… Linked to Driving Accidents Works side by side in bullying Causes mishaps when walking Click on the bullets and see what happens!
Texting While Driving Never text while driving!! Texting while driving is the leading cause for driving accidents. Ages Percentage What happened? 8-17 53% Have been in a car with some one texting while driving 13-17 33% Texting is their favorite form of communication 37% Have a smart phone Teenagers Calls last 4 minutes or less Teens 74% Rely on parents for internet protection
Walking With a Cell Phone Walking with a cell phone can be dangerous in many ways. Many people get distracted when walking with a cell phone and don’t pay attention where they are going. This can be an annoyance to fellow citizens. Don’t Text and Walk!
Cell Phone Manners When on a cell phone many have experienced the annoyance of being interrupted by cell phone calls, text, and alarms. Cell phones can destroy family time by calls and text from work, friends, or others. Many people take advantage of their cell phone by bullying others using social media and other ways of communication.