Božović A, Grbić R, Milović D, Elek Z, Petrović D, Jakšić L, Radojević G. Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with external fixation type Mitković – Analysis of 100 patients. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; OnLine First July 7, 2017; (00): 137–137. [DOI:] Figures 1−14
Figure 1. Proper position of Mitkovic M20 external fixator. Božović A, Grbić R, Milović D, Elek Z, Petrović D, Jakšić L, et al. Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with external fixation type Mitković – Analysis of 100 patients. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; OnLine First July 7, 2017; (00): 137–137. [DOI:] Figure 1. Proper position of Mitkovic M20 external fixator.
Figure 2. EF for TSF with additional dynamic EF of the ankle joint. Božović A, Grbić R, Milović D, Elek Z, Petrović D, Jakšić L, et al. Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with external fixation type Mitković – Analysis of 100 patients. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; OnLine First July 7, 2017; (00): 137–137. [DOI:] Figure 2. EF for TSF with additional dynamic EF of the ankle joint.
Figure 3. X-ray showing combined EF with internal fixation. Božović A, Grbić R, Milović D, Elek Z, Petrović D, Jakšić L, et al. Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with external fixation type Mitković – Analysis of 100 patients. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; OnLine First July 7, 2017; (00): 137–137. [DOI:] Figure 3. X-ray showing combined EF with internal fixation. Figure 4. 13-yrs old patient with bilateral TSF.
Figure 5. Closed reduction and EF in patient with segmental TSF. Božović A, Grbić R, Milović D, Elek Z, Petrović D, Jakšić L, et al. Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with external fixation type Mitković – Analysis of 100 patients. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; OnLine First July 7, 2017; (00): 137–137. [DOI:] Figure 5. Closed reduction and EF in patient with segmental TSF. X-ray showing segmental TSF (left) and state of lower leg after treatment (right).
Božović A, Grbić R, Milović D, Elek Z, Petrović D, Jakšić L, et al. Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with external fixation type Mitković – Analysis of 100 patients. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; OnLine First July 7, 2017; (00): 137–137. [DOI:] Figure 8. The same patient shown in Figure 7., after secondary stitches (up) and after Tiersch skin transplant at the end of treatment (down) Figure 6. X-ray showing hemicortical pin of M20 used for additional stabilization. Figure 7. Open TSF type IIIc GA before surgery (up) and after surgery (down).
Božović A, Grbić R, Milović D, Elek Z, Petrović D, Jakšić L, et al. Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with external fixation type Mitković – Analysis of 100 patients. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; OnLine First July 7, 2017; (00): 137–137. [DOI:] Figure 9. Open TSF type IIIc GA of right lower leg (up) and open fracture type II GA of left ankle joint before surgery (down). Figure 10. Same patient shown in Figure 9. with bilateral EF. EF of TSF of right lower leg (up) and dynamic EF for left ankle (down).
Božović A, Grbić R, Milović D, Elek Z, Petrović D, Jakšić L, et al. Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with external fixation type Mitković – Analysis of 100 patients. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; OnLine First July 7, 2017; (00): 137–137. [DOI:] Figure 11. X-rays of patient with gunshot injury and open TSF before surgery (left), and after surgery (right).
Božović A, Grbić R, Milović D, Elek Z, Petrović D, Jakšić L, et al. Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with external fixation type Mitković – Analysis of 100 patients. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; OnLine First July 7, 2017; (00): 137–137. [DOI:] Figure 12. X-ray showing healed fracture (left) and state of lower leg after treatment (right) in same patient shown in Figure 11.
Božović A, Grbić R, Milović D, Elek Z, Petrović D, Jakšić L, et al. Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with external fixation type Mitković – Analysis of 100 patients. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; OnLine First July 7, 2017; (00): 137–137. [DOI:] Figure 13. Patients with TSF after 13 weeks of treatment. (left) X-ray shows a less bone healing, (right) test of bone healing quality. We continued with using EF for another 6 weeks because of pain in the fracture zone.
Božović A, Grbić R, Milović D, Elek Z, Petrović D, Jakšić L, et al. Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with external fixation type Mitković – Analysis of 100 patients. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2017; OnLine First July 7, 2017; (00): 137–137. [DOI:] Figure 14. X-rays showing nonunion treated with Mitković compression-distraction device: during treatment (left) and after the treatment we achieved a complete union (right) .