Anne frank quote Bell ringer


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Presentation transcript:

Anne frank quote Bell ringer We’ll try desks in tables. If we talk/play instead of begin our work, we’ll have to move the desks. Write your own paragraph responding to the quote. Your paragraph must include what the quote means, how the quote relates to one or more characters within Wonder, and cite evidence from the text to support your response. “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” -- Anne Frank  Remember to: Restate the prompt in your answer Answer the prompt Cite evidence from the text Explain how the evidence from the text relates to your answer

Housekeeping ANNOUCEMENTS: Today last day to turn in late work. NO EXCUSES, EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE. Please purchase or check out a copy of the quarter 2 novel: Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper. Next week class meets in the first floor computer lab (directly underneath our regular classroom.) HOME LEARNING: None  - Next week you’ll be completing your written response and a test on Wonder.

Open up to the plot foldable in your comp. book for today’s review. Plot review Open up to the plot foldable in your comp. book for today’s review.

Plot review

Wonder plot diagram EXPOSITION: This is from the beginning of the story, before the conflict seen throughout the majority of the story is introduced. The situation is what’s going on.

Wonder plot diagram CONFLICT: Multiple types of conflict are possible within a novel. Focus on the character vs. character conflict. Who does Auggie mainly struggle against?

Wonder plot diagram RISING ACTION: Notice there are only four spaces for rising action events. Choose the major events that move the plot forward. These events should come from multiple parts of the book, so choose the major events rather than minor details.

Wonder plot diagram CLIMAX: The point of greatest suspense; the tipping point where the character’s action or decision sends the events to begin working toward resolving the initial conflict. If the suspense is still building this is rising action and not the climax.

Wonder plot diagram FALLING ACTION: The events that are working toward resolving all the story’s tangled plot lines. Note, you may write multiple events in this box.

Wonder plot diagram RESOLUTION: How the story ends and how the problem is resolved. Generally the character walks away with a greater understanding or is better in some way by the story’s conclusion.

Wonder plot diagram THEME: The message the author is trying to communicate to the reader using the entire story.

Wonder plot diagram DIRECTIONS: Independently, complete the Plot Diagram. Hold onto the Wonder Plot Diagram. We’ll review it at the end to see how you do. If you finish before time is called, get your computer and check the blog to be sure you’ve made up all possible late work, then work on something productive until time is called.

Exit slip Find the plot anticipation guide in your comp. book & complete the after portion (circled on example) Remember to write evidence you know/have learned during the last few class periods that support your after agree/disagree answer in the statement/evidence box. Before Agree After Disagree Statement/Evidence After Agree State-ment

Packing Up Checklist #1 - Comp. books returned to bin/computers to cart #2 - All your belongings packed up #3 - My supplies neatly returned to where you got them #4 - All trash thrown away & paper recycled #5 - Desks in neat rows #6 - Seated silently waiting for Ms. Barker to dismiss you #7 – (4A only) Move desks back to tables #8 – (4A/8B only) Sit silently during announcements and wet wipe the desks. Stack chairs after the announcements.