Higher Education & Research Strategies


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Presentation transcript:

Higher Education & Research Strategies in Finland 2006 - 2016 Séminaire TAIEX sur le développement de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche Alger 14 – 15 Novembre 2016 Reijo Aholainen Counsellor for Education, MoE

Higher Education & Research Strategies in Finland 2006 - 2016 Finnish Higher Education & Research Higher Education & Research Strategies in Finland 2006 - 2016 Introduction About Finland Finnish Education Strategy Documents Higher Education Reforms University Reform Reform of Universities of Applied Sciences Research and Innovation Reforms & Policies Main Actors Research Policy Reforms Research and Innovation Council Innovation Strategy

Finnish Higher Education & Research 1. Introduction

Finnish Higher Education & Research 1.1.Suomi - Finland History and culture influenced by location between east and west Part of Sweden 600 years up to 1809 Grand Duchy of Russia in 1809-1917 Independent since 1917 EU member state since 1995 Relatively sparsely populated 338 000 km², 5,5 mill. inhabitants Two national languages, two churches Finnish 88%, Swedish 5% Lutheran 76%, Orthodox 1% Competitive economy BKT/capita € 38 162 in 2015 Unemployment level 7,2% in 08/2016

1.2. About Finnish Education Finnish Higher Education & Research 1.2. About Finnish Education 99,7% of pupils complete basic education by 16; Finnish youth on top in OECD PISA survey since 2000 86% of young adults complete upper secondary education by the age of 25 40% of young adults complete higher education by age of 30 53% adults take part in adult education annually; Finnish adults on top in OECD PIAAC s in 2012

Finnish Higher Education & Research Education Reforms 1970ies Comprehensive School Reform Teacher Education Reform 1980ies Secondary VET Reform 1990ies Decentralisation of Governance Polytechnics Reform 2000 - Vocational College Strategy Total Reform of Adult Education University Reform Polytechnic Reform

Finnish Higher Education & Research 1.3. Strategy Documents Finnish Higher Education & Research Government’s Education and Research Development Plans (MoEC) Education and Research 2007 – 2011 Education and Research 2011 - 2016 Government Communication to the Parliament (MEE) National Innovation strategy (2008) Research and Innovation Policy Review 2015 - 2020 (RIC)

2. Higher Education Reforms Finnish Higher Education & Research 2. Higher Education Reforms Alvar Aalto

Finnish Higher Education & Research 2.1. Background of Reforms Background Globalisation and its consequences in the economy and society Demographic change: ageing population Changes in working life: incidence of jobs and competences Changes in society and children’s environment

Finnish Higher Education & Research Objectives of Reforms General Objectives Increase top international expertise Establish more effective higher education units Improve competitiveness of the higher education system High quality research to bolster innovation capacity of the economy

University Reform Targets Finnish Higher Education & Research University Reform Targets New University Act Financial Autonomy Professional Management Legal Status MoE Steering Structural Development Stronger HEIs Quality and Quality Assurance Qualification Reform Enhancing basic and applied research Internationalisation

Finnish Higher Education & Research 2.2. New University Act (558/2009) Mission Autonomy Legal Capacity Administration Financing and funds Steering Education and Research Evaluation Students Staff, employment relations

Main Changes brought by the University Reform Finnish Higher Education & Research Main Changes brought by the University Reform Universities became legal persons Corporations under public law or Foundations under Foundation Act Universities gained larger autonomy and stronger financial status Better connected with society and economy External board members Own capital Universities became employers of their staff Government budget funding complemented with donations and own business activities

Public and Foundation Universities Finnish Higher Education & Research Public and Foundation Universities Public Universities (14) Foundation Universities (2) Legal status: Corporations under Universities Act (2009). Board: The highest executive body; 9 - 14 members: elected professors, other staff and students, plus externals (at least 40%) University collegiate body Elects external Board members, confirms election of university groupings to board, confirms financial statement, etc. Legal status: Foundations un der Universities Act (2009) and Foundations Act (1930). Board: Decides the strategy, operations, finances and other far-reaching plans; 7 members, appointed by the Multi-member body Multimember collegiate body Decides on curricula, degree requirement, admission criteria, general rules of teaching and research; ,

Structural Development Finnish Higher Education & Research Structural Development In 2005 In 2015 20 Universities; 160 000 students enrolled 20 600 doctoral students 29 Polytechnics (UAS) 133 000 students enrolled 21 Research Institutes Internal and inter-university structural development: prioritising, profiling 14 Universities; 168 000 students enrolled 18 000 doctoral students; 24 UAS (Polytechnics) 148 000 students enrolled 13 Research Institutes Structural development continues: pooling resources, agreements on division of labour

Construction of the Aalto University Finnish Higher Education & Research Construction of the Aalto University Aalto University is a foundation university with 6 schools (Arts, design and Architecture; Business; Chemical Technology; Business, Electrical Engineering; Engineering; Science) and strong emphasis on entrepreneurship, start-ups, internationalisation and top quality (e.g. Design Factory, Start-up sauna). In total 20 000 students and 4 500 staff. Constructed by a merger of the University of Technology, the School of Economics and the University of Art and Design. The purpose is to create an interdisciplinary top quality university to boost new innovation.

Steering and funding of Universities Finnish Higher Education & Research Steering and funding of Universities Steering instruments: Legislation Education Development Plan of the Government Steering of the Ministry Performance agreements Negotiations and feedback Site visits Information steering Budget steering Financing criteria

Steering with Budget Formula Finnish Higher Education & Research Steering with Budget Formula Impact Quality Internationalisation Education 41% Master’s degrees 14% Master’s degrees awarded to foreigners 1% Bachelor’s degrees 6% Study credits in open university 2% Students with at least 55 credits 12% Student mobility to and from Finland 2% Number of employed graduates 1% Research 34% PhD degrees 9% PhD degrees awarded to foreigners 1% Scientific publications 13% International teaching and research staff 2% Competed research funding 9% Other policy issues 25% Strategic development 10% Field-specific funding 8% National responsibilities 7%

Qualifications and Quality Finnish Higher Education & Research Qualifications and Quality Quality Assurance External Evaluation National Center of Education Evaluation Internal Quality Assurance and self-evaluation University Act Polytechnic Act Basic Education Act Vocational Education Act Vocational Adult Education Act Liberal Adult Education Act Degree reform 2005: three cycles of degrees in line with the Bologna process Right to award degrees determined for each HEI in legislation / in operation licences General objectives and the extent of degrees defined in legislation HEIs are responsibility of their curricula

Finnish Higher Education & Research 2.3. Reform of Universities of Applied Sciences (Polytechnics) 2014-2016 Objectives Strengthen the Universities of Applied Sciences to meet the challenges of the surrounding society Strengthen the strategic competence for profiling, focus area choices, leadership and decision making Enhance the quality and effectiveness of teaching and RDI Strengthening their role in innovation Ensure international competitiveness Means Universities of Applied Sciences (Polytechnics) as legal persons, limited companies The responsibility for core funding entirely transferred from local authorities to the state New funding model New operating licences Updated educational responsibilities

3. Research and Innovation Reforms & Policies Finnish Higher Education & Research 3. Research and Innovation Reforms & Policies A.I. Virtanen Martti Ahtisaari Bengt Holmström

3.1. Key Actors in Finnish STI Policy Finnish Higher Education & Research 3.1. Key Actors in Finnish STI Policy GOVERNMENT: Mini Ministry of Education Ministry of Employment and Economy Other Ministries Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation TEKES Academy of Finland Finnish Innovation Funds SITRA U Universities Research Institutes Universities of Applied Sciences Universities Universities of Applied Sciences

3.2. Research Policy Reforms Finnish Higher Education & Research 3.2. Research Policy Reforms Research Policy Objectives R&D financing target: 4% of GDP Enhanced Doctoral Education International cooperation, EU RDI Programs (FP7, Horizon) R&I infrastructures, ESFRI Input in the innovation strategy Open science, open data, open innovation Strategic centres of STI (SHOKs) and regional Centres of Excellence

Doctor Education, Graduate Schools Finnish Higher Education & Research Doctor Education, Graduate Schools Development Plan 2007–2011 Increased cooperation in researcher training with foreign universities, research organisations and researcher training programmes The Academy of Finland will take over the administration of graduate schools in 2010. Increase the size of Graduate Schools, to reduce their number and to strengthen national networking Target of 2 000 doctoral student places in graduate schools by 2012 Development Plan 2007–2011 Target for doctorates 1 600/year with the aim of business and industry employing more PhDs. Universities take over the doctoral programmes, compiling them primarily into one Graduate School Academy of Finland takes care on financing Graduate Schools Focus on researcher careers (tenure tracks) Evaluation after the planning period

Funding of Research and Innovation Finnish Higher Education & Research Funding of Research and Innovation GOVERNMENT: R&D Financing in 2015: € 2,2,´bn in the Government Budget Mini Ministry of Education Ministry of Employment and Economy Other Ministries Finnish Innovation Funds (SITRA) Academy of Finland Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation (TEKES) U Universities Universities of Applied Sciences Other Research Institutes

Finnish Higher Education & Research Funding of Research Basic funding from MoEC Part of Budget Formula Professors’ legal duty for education and research Competitive funding Academy of Finland Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation (TEKES) EU (Horizon) and other international sources Private donations

Research Funding Agencies Finnish Higher Education & Research Research Funding Agencies RDI funding from TEKES (231 million € in 2016) Research funding from the Academy of Finland (230 million € in 2016) Research Councils (4 sectors) Researcher posts and researcher mobility Research programmes and projects, Centres of Excellence, Development research, Strategic research Research infrastructures, FiDiPro, Universities’ research profiling, SHOKs Start-ups (under 5 years) SMEs boosting export Large companies seeking renewal Research organisations to commercialise research results Public sector service providers seeking to improve quality of services

Finnish Higher Education & Research Open science, open data Open Science: Open Access publishing & publications Digitalisation of reports & research data Open Source Open Data Open Innovation: Crowd sourcing: users, consumers, employees

3.3. Research and Innovation Council (RIC) Higher Education Research & Innovation 3.3. Research and Innovation Council (RIC) Research and Innovation Council advises the Government and Ministries in matters concerning research, technology, innovation and their utilisation and evaluation.  responsible for the strategic development and coordination of Finnish science and technology policy as well as of the national innovation system as a whole.   Composition the RIC: Prime Minister, the chair Ministers of Education, of Economic Affairs, of Finance and other Ministers Academy of Finland, Tekes, Business and Industry, Trade Unions Universities etc.

3.4. National Innovation Strategy 2008 Finnish Higher Education & Research 3.4. National Innovation Strategy 2008 Government’s Communication to the Parliament Reinforcing the competence base Broad-based innovation activity Internationalisation Strong networked innovation centres Internationally competitive higher education Support growth businesses Strengthen demand and user orientation Central Government corporate steering Resources for innovation activity International review of the innovation system

Research and Innovation Policy Review and Reform Programme 2014 Finnish Higher Education & Research Research and Innovation Policy Review and Reform Programme 2014 Key development areas Other key targets A radical reform of the higher education system Promoting the exploitation and impact of R&I results Strengthening new sources of growth, intellectual capital and entrepreneurship Improvement of the overall knowledge-base of the population and selective support for cutting-edge skills Reform of public sector and closer cross-administrative cooperation Adequate and targeting of R&D funding

Find more information in: http://www.minedu.fi Finnish Higher Education & Research Find more information in: http://www.minedu.fi