US in Decline Is Communism Winning?
Timelines US Vietnam 1919-Petition rejected in Treaty discussions 1954-French leave; US protector of South 1964-Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 1965-Operation Rolling Thunder 1965-First war protests: Teach- ins 1968-Tet Offensive 1968-Johnson not run/Nixon becomes President 1969-Vietnamization 1969-US learns of My Lai Massacre 1970-Invasion of Cambodia 1973-Peace Accord 1919-Petition rejected in Treaty discussions 1941-Groups organized to oppose Japanese 1954-Defeat of French 1956-Geneva Accord disregarded 1963-Overthrow of Diem 1968-Tet Offensive 1969-US troops start to leave 1972-Christmas Bombings 1973-Peace Accord 1975-Country Unified US Vietnam
US Thesis Despite overwhelming economic and military superiority and thirty years of effort, the US was not able to contain communism in Vietnam. The US ended up failing in its efforts due to the lack of a cohesive plan for victory and the American people’s growing disdain for the costs (economic and personal) of the Vietnam War. Despite the fall of Vietnam to communism, other countries in the region did not fall to communism (Domino Theory). However the US did fall into a period of economic problems partially attributable to the excessive cost of the war.
Vietnam Thesis Through determination and willingness to withstand the military might of the French, the Japanese and the US, Vietnam was able to reunify its country in 1975 under a communist government. Although they could not match the economic or military power of the US, the North Vietnamese were able to win due to staying power, guerilla warfare and exploiting America’s increasing frustrations with the war.
Class Task At your tables you have information that provides a summary of the important events from the 1970’s and 1980’s. Each table will be assigned the task of creating a list of the top ten events of one of the two decades. Your first task should be to determine a rationale for how you are creating the list. For the last 30 minutes of class, we will compare the lists and discuss how you decided what events were important. We will then compare your list with my list of events.
Vietnam Led to massive protests in US-especially on college campuses: Kent State killings Paris Peace Accord January 27, 1973 South Vietnam Falls April 29, 1975
Economic Arab Oil Embargo Recession of 1974GDP-Real (Adjusted) United States Stagflation-high unemployment and high inflation Historical Inflation data from 1914 to the present U.S. Unemployment Rate: SA, Percent
Presidency Nixon Re-elected in 1972 in a landslide Silent Majority YouTube - Richard Nixon 1969 Great Silent Majority Watergate Nixon resigns YouTube - Nixon resignation Ford Carter- What is the appeal of Jimmy Carter?
Iranian Hostage Crisis State sponsored terrorism YouTube - The Iranian Hostage Crisis
Other Notable Events Nixon visits Mao in China Richard Nixon on the benefits of his visit: "This was the week that changed the world, as what we have said in that Communique is not nearly as important as what we will do in the years ahead to build a bridge across 16,000 miles and 22 years of hostilities which have divided us in the past. And what we have said today is that we shall build that bridge.” In 1979, we established full diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China What has this visit led to? What are our current relations with China?
Other Notable Events Roe v Wade YouTube - Roe v. Wade in PBS' The Supreme Court 3 Mile Island NRC: Fact Sheet on the Three Mile Island Accident Secretariat YouTube - Secretariat - Belmont Stakes 1973 Dodgers Lose World Series Three Times
Class Top Ten Events I would like you to get in groups of 4 and develop a consensus on the top 10 events from the 1970’s. We will then compare those to my list.
My Top Ten Events 1970’s 10. Earth Day 9. 3 Mile Island 8. Paris Peace Accords 7. Nixon Resigns 6. Camp David Peace Accords 5. Roe v Wade Court Decision 4. Iranian Hostage Crisis 3. Arab Oil Embargo 2. Nixon visits China 1. Microprocessor Age
My Top Ten Events 1980’s 10 Miracle on Ice 9 S&L Bailout 8 Nuclear Treaty with Russia 7 Tax Cuts 6 Amnesty for Immigrants 5 Terrorist Bomb in Beirut 4 Iran Contra 3 Reagan Gorbachev Meeting 2 IBM PC 1 Berlin Wall Falls