H-1B Grants Technical Assistance Tutorial #4: Resolving Common Errors Tutorial Date: January 2014 Presented by: Division of Strategic Investments (DSI) U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
H-1B Grants Performance Reporting Technical Assistance Series Tutorial 1: Performance Reporting Orientation Tutorial 2: HUB System Preview Tutorial 3: Preparing Data Files Tutorial 4: Resolving Common Errors #
Tutorial 4: Resolving Common Data File and HUB System Errors Objectives At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to: Identify common data file and HUB system errors Resolve these data file errors for successful upload in the HUB system #
Once you upload a data file into HUB… HUB Validation Checks Once you upload a data file into HUB… Step 1: Format Checking and Error Report A validation check related to the formatting of your data file Step 2: Edit Checking and Error Report A validation check related to the business rules of each code value assigned for all data elements #
Sample Format Check Error Report #
Common Format Check Errors Format Checking Error Message(s) Indication Please correct the errors before attempting another upload. Record 1 – Social Security Number: Failed with a value of ‘101’. Must provide a 9-digit Social Security Number (SSN) Data element headers were included in your data file. Record 2 – Social Security Number: Failed with a value of ‘97221253’. Must provide a 9-digit Social Security Number Indicates SSN code value may have started with zero that was dropped when the file was converted to a data file. Record 3 – Social Security Number: Failed with a value of “blank”. Must provide a 9-digit Social Security Number A SSN was not provided in this data element field. Instead, a null value or blank code value was entered.
Format Check Data File Error 3 Format Checking Error Message(s) Record 1: Social Security Number Field: Failed with a value of ‘101’. Record 1: Date of Birth Field: Failed with a value of ‘102’. Must provide a valid Date of Birth (YYYYMMDD). Record 3: Social Security Number Field: Failed with a value of ‘blank’. Incorrect format Headers Additional Row Missing Code Values #
Common Format Checking Errors Social Security Numbers SSNs with hyphens SSNs that start with zeros Troubleshoot: SSN Column Custom Formatting in Excel Enter a single quotation mark (‘) before the zero Do not format your SSN column using the Special/Social Security option under the Number Tab to enter SSNs without hyphens. Hot Tip! Open your data using Notepad to view your data file and ensure that the zeros are included as part of your data set. #
Common Format Checking Errors Data File Field Count 61 data element fields for each participant record Format Check Error: 57 fields for each participant record 1 Format Checking Error Message(s) Record 1 - Field Count: Failed with a value of 57 fields. Each Record (Line) requires 61 fields. Troubleshoot: Issues converting data from Excel Data Elements should end in Column BI in Excel Enter Single Apostrophe (‘) in Column BI #
Screen Share: Troubleshooting SSN Errors Screen Share Sample SSNs with leading zeros Incorrect data field counts How to correct the error View in Notepad Formatting Options #
Common Edit Check Error: Training Activities Edit Check Error: Data Element 410 and 420 Date Entered/Began Training Error Type Record # Data Element Name Data Element # Field Value Error Message Code Value Reject Record 2 Date Entered/Began Receiving Education/Job Training Activities #2 DE 410B 20130901 YYYYMMDD > Date Entered/Began Receiving Education/Job Training Activities #1 (DE 400) YYYYMMDD Blank = Did not enroll in a second education/job training activity Record 25 Date Entered/Began Receiving Education/Job Training Activities #3 420B YYYYMMDD > Date Entered/Began Receiving Education/Job Training Activities #2 (DE 410) Blank = Did not enroll in a third education/job training activity Troubleshoot: Training Activity #1 must be completed before Training Activity #2 can be recorded. Hot Tip! Please review the Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) AND the H-1B Performance Reporting Handbook for details on training strategies and what constitutes training completion versus program completion and program exit.
Common Edit Check Error: Reason for Exit Edit Check Error: Data Element 303 Reasons for Exit Error Type Record # Data Element Name Data Element # Field Value Message Code Value* Reject Record 1 Reasons for Exit (at time of exit or during 3-quarter measurement period following the quarter of exit) DE303A blank 0-6, 98, or 99 when Date of Exit (DE 302) is provided. 1 Institutionalized 2 Health/Medical 3 Deceased 4 Family Care 5 Reserve forces called to active Troubleshoot: Grantees should enter (0) zero = Other Reasons for Exit for participants that successfully complete a program. Blank is not a valid entry if DE 302 Date of Exit is provided *Not All Code Values Included Hot Tip! This will ensure this participants will included in ETA Common Measures. #
Common Edit Check Errors: Entered Employment Edit Check Error: Data Element 501 Entered Employment Error Type Record # Data Element Name Data Element # Field Value Error Message Code Value Reject Record 5 Employed in the 1st Quarter After Program Completion DE501 Blank Cannot be blank if individual is an unemployed worker (DE 200 = 0) or Employed, but Received Notice of Termination (DE 200 = 2) AND there is a Date of Program Completion (DE 304) 1 = Yes 0 = No 3 = Information not yet available Blank = individual has not yet completed Troubleshoot: A code value must be entered if an individual, who is unemployed at program participation, enters new employment in the quarter after program completion. Hot Tip! Acceptable code values are 1 = Yes, 0 = No or 3 = Information Not Yet Available. #
Common Edit Check Errors: Type of Credential Edit Check Error: Data Element 601, 611 & 621 Type of Credential Error Type Record # Data Element Name Data Element # Field Value Error Message Code Value* Reject Record 5 Type of Recognized Credential #1 DE601 Blank 0-7 when Date Completed, or Withdrew from, Training #1 (DE 405) is provided 1 = High School Diploma 2 = A or AS Diploma/Degree Type of Recognized Credential #2 DE 611 0-7 when Date Completed, or Withdrew from, Training #2 (DE 405) is provided Troubleshoot: Credential type must be entered if a participant completes training activities. A blank response will generate an error. *Not All Code Values Included Hot Tip! Acceptable code values are 0 – 7 0 = No Recognized Credential #
Submitting Reports in HUB Submission Process Grant staff to access HUB using password Upload data file to generate QPR form Enter QNR or upload IWP Grant Authorized Representative to enter PIN to officially certify and submit quarterly reports HUB Access Page http://www.reports.doleta.gov/ #
Reporting Components in the HUB System QPR IWP QNR HOT RESOURCE! Performance Quick Start Guide https://etagrantees.workforce3one.org/view/2001302859903150693/info #
Resources! Step 1: Review each resource Performance Reporting Handbook https://etagrantees.workforce3one.org/view/2001220744675542997/info Data Elements and Edit Checks https://etagrantees.workforce3one.org/view/2001220744849365913/info HUB System User Manual https://etagrantees.workforce3one.org/view/2001317656904578012/info
Congratulations! More Resources! Tutorial #1: Performance Reporting Orientation Tutorial #2: HUB System Preview Tutorial #3: Preparing Data Files Tutorial #4: Resolving Common Errors
H-1B Community of Practice (CoP) Available online: Reporting Templates Forms Data Elements Reporting Schedules Fact Sheets TA Materials Sign Up Here http://etagrantees.workforce3one.org
Technical Skills Training Grants Jobs Accelerator and MIIA Grants Reminder… H-1B Grant Mailboxes Technical Skills Training Grants dsi@dol.gov Jobs Accelerator and MIIA Grants jobsaccelerator@dol.gov ETA Help Desk EBSS.Help@dol.gov #