Stephen F. Austin was one of best known land agents in Tejas. Empresario Definition: Spanish word for land agent whose job it was to bring settlers into an area Example: Stephen F. Austin was one of best known land agents in Tejas.
colonization a group of people who have left their native country to Definition: a group of people who have left their native country to form a settlement in a new land Example: San Felipe de Austin was the most successful settlement in Tejas.
Someone who travels to unclaimed land to settle pioneer Definition: Someone who travels to unclaimed land to settle Example: Aylett C. Buckner is believed to be the first settler to build a house near the Colorado River.
A white person living in the United States and who is not Hispanic Anglo American Definition: A white person living in the United States and who is not Hispanic Example: Moses Austin wanted to take people from the United States to live in Tejas.
survey To measure the boundaries of something Definition: To measure the boundaries of something Example: Empresarios would measure their land before selling it to a customer.
Federalist Definition: Someone who believes in sharing power between the states and the national government. National Government State Example: The new Mexican government decided to share some power with the state of Coahuila y Tejas.
Centralist Definition: Someone who believes power should be concentrated in the national government National Government States Example: Anglos were upset with Mexico City having so much power over their lives.
A group of citizens acting as a military force militia Definition: A group of citizens acting as a military force Example: Stephen Austin sent his force to settle the citizens of the Republic of Fredonia.
The government set up a new garrison in Anahuac. Definition: A military post Example: The government set up a new garrison in Anahuac.
patriot A person who holds a deep love for his or her country. Definition: A person who holds a deep love for his or her country. Example: George Washington was a true patriot.