Little Flower Men’s Night Science and Faith, the Myth of Conflict February 11, 2017 Science and Faith, the Myth of Conflict Dr. Stephen Barr
Little Flower Men’s Night Opening Song God of Wonders Third Day
Little Flower Men’s Night Opening Prayer Introductions
Little Flower Men’s Night Nappa Institute 2014 Conference Science and Faith, the Myth of Conflict Dr. Stephen Barr Nappa Institute 2014 Conference
Reflection . . . Scientific materialism: ideology that seeks to “free the human mind from irrationality and superstition”. Worldview sees faith as an enemy. Genesis creation story: oppose paganism (worships nature instead of author of nature). Shows natural world order, rationality and power of the creator. Chinese scholars abandoned idea of a supreme being -- never produced a Newton or Descartes Catholic view: God is creator of natural world, with evidence in nature. He is not a cause within nature, but the cause of nature. God is author who does not interfere with natural order, but works through it Many Catholic priests/laymen have led to our scientific understanding.
“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth – in a word, to know himself – so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves”. -- Saint John Paul II
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Next Men’s Night Saturday, March 11 7-9 pm Tolkien, Chesterton and Lent Fr. John Hollowell St. Francis Room Bring a friend!