LET’S COUNT AND PREVENT BIRTH DEFECTS Abdominal wall Defects Essential Birth Defects Neural Tube Defects Limb Defects Hypospadias Anencephaly Craniorachischisis Meningocele Encephalocele Congenital absence of both forearm and hand Congenital absence of finger (s)and toes Cervical spina bifida Lumbar spina bífida Sacral spina bifida Iniencephaly Thoracic spina bifida Amelia of lower limb Talipes equinovarus Facial Defects Imperforate anus Abdominal wall Defects Cleft hard palate with cleft lip, specified as unilateral Cleft palate Cleft lip, specified as unilateral Exomphalos/omphalocele Gastroschisis Optional Birth Defects Herniating intestine loops and stomach Left lung hypoplasia Congenital diaphtragmatic hernia Down syndrome Congenital heart defect Tracheoesophageal fistula Exstrophy of bladder IF ANY LIVE BABY/STILL BIRTH WITH THE ABOVE BIRTH DEFECTS IS BORN PLEASE INFORM TO: Dr. ____________________ (Medical Officer) Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Mob: _________________ Dr. ____________________ (Medical Officer) Department of Paediatrics, Mob: _________________ Prepared by: WHO Collaborating Centre for Genetics, AIIMS, New Delhi Acknowledgement-Figures are adapted from Atlas on selected congenital anomalies by WHO,CDC, ICBDSR