Whales By Rosie
anatomy of a whale A whale has a skeleton. A whale has a tail called flukes. A whale has a blowhole. A thick layer of blubber keep them warm. A Blue Whale is the world’ s largest whale. anatomy of a whale
Habitat of a whale Whales live in oceans. Whales live in all the worlds’ oceans. . Whales are found in all the parts of the world. Whales go to cold water in the summer. They migrate to warm water in the winter. Habitat of a whale
Life cycle Baby killer whales are called calves. A female Killer Whale gives birth to one calf at a time . Calves weigh about 400 pounds. They demand food right away. They feed their calves milk. Life cycle
Interesting facts Whales can’t stay under water like fish. Whales’ tails are called flukes. Whales gulp up water and krill. Interesting facts
Bibliography Whales Secret Animal Worlds Pebble Go World Book Encyclopedia Bibliography