AUSTRALIA Australia is one place boomerangs were made by ancient people. Australia is a country and a continent.
ABORIGINE An aborigine is a native person. The Australian aborigines are one group of primitive people that invented boomerangs.
KYLIE, HUNTING STICK, KILLER STICK, OR THROWING STICK They are curved flat sticks used for hunting. Killer sticks fly in a straight path.
BOOMERANG A boomerang is an offshoot of the hunting stick. It is used for playing games and they come back to the thrower.
AERODYNAMICS Aerodynamics is the study of air flow and the force associated with fluid dynamics.
WING A wing is a apart of an airplane, boomerang or bird that provides lift.
LIFT Lift is a force that pushes or pulls up on a wing surface.
LEADING EDGE & TRAILING EDGE Leading edge is the front edge of a wing. Trailing edge is the back edge of a wing.
POSITIVE DIHEDRAL ANGLE A positive dihedral angle is a bend upward in a wing towards the tip of the wing. It can be seen in most airplanes, boomerangs and many kites.
POSITIVE ANGLE OF ATTACK Positive angle of attack is a bend upward in a wing toward the leading edge of the wing.