Maths Rich Task 2: The Factors and Multiples Game mr barton maths .com
Rich Tasks and Probing Questions I believe it is far more important to plan prompts and questions than worksheets and PowerPoints. Prompts and questions give you much more scope for flexible, fun lessons and allow for effective differentiation. They allow you to start everyone off on the same task, and then wander around the classroom, seeing where the students are up to, dropping little prompt cards on different students’ desks with a new line of inquiry for them to investigate. They also allow students to express themselves creatively, coming up with their own lines of inquiry to investigate. Have a play around with the following task, and then please share your ideas for extensions, simplifications, modifications, probing questions and lines of inquiry in the comment box at the bottom of the TES resources page. For the full collection of these activities, and more about the pedagogy behind them, please click here
Background on the Task This is a task based on an activity on the amazing NRICH website. The link to the original activity is here, where you will also find a fantastic interactive version It has become one of my favourite all time tasks, with extensions, modifications and lines of inquiry giving you and your students hours and hours of fun! No equipment is needed, just a few copies of the blank grids for students to experiment with
Factors and Multiples Game: Instructions Two players take it in turns to cross off a number from the grid You can only cross off a number that is either a Factor or a Multiple of the previous number You cannot cross off a number that has already been crossed off If you cannot go, you lose that round
What questions would a mathematician ask? Please share your ideas for extensions, simplifications, modifications, probing questions and lines of inquiry in the comment box at the bottom of the TES resources page.