Chapter 1 of Social Studies Maps Chapter 1 of Social Studies
Day 1 Quickly jot the answer to this question in your social studies notebook: What do you know about maps?
You check it out… Take the student atlases that are at your desks. In groups explore the different maps that you find in the atlases. Discuss the similarities and differences between the maps and be ready to share with the class!
What We Found Out About Maps
By the end of today’s lesson you will be able to tell the differences between a physical and a political map.
Physical Map vs. Political Map Look for the US Physical Map in your Student ATLAS. *What characteristics do you notice? *When do you think you would use a Physical Map? Map from MAPS ETC.
Characteristics of Physical Maps
Political Map Look for the US Political Map in your Student ATLAS. *What characteristics do you notice? *When do you think you would use a Political Map?
Characteristics of Political Maps
Check for Understanding Turn and talk: what are the two types of maps and what would we use them for?
Day 2 Turn and talk with a partner: What is the difference between a political and physical map?
By the end of today you will know how to tell the difference between water and land on a map.
Did You Know?! 70% of the world is covered in water! The oceans hold 97% of all the water in the world… whoa! Water isn’t just in the oceans… it’s in the air, rivers, lakes, the ground, and YOU!
The Earth Long Ago As we watch this video, think: “How was the earth different millions of years ago?
Land Masses
Land Masses
Funny Phrase- Land Masses Continents Aunt= Antarctica Asia= Asia Eats= Europe Noodle= North America Soup= South America After= Africa August= Australia
Water Video
Bodies of Water
Bodies of Water
Funny Phrase- Bodies of Water Oceans Awesome= Atlantic Ocean Arctic= Arctic Ocean Penquins= Pacific Ocean Iceskate= Indian Ocean
Check for Understanding Turn and talk: how can you tell the difference between land and water on a map? What are the seven continents? What are the bodies of water?
Day 3 What is the purpose of the compass rose in our building? What is the purpose of the compass rose in the atlas?
By the end of today you will be able to identify the different cardinal directions
Cardinal Directions What are cardinal directions? What are primary cardinal directions? Funny phrase used to help me remember the cardinal directions: Never Eat Soggy Waffles or Never Eat Shredded Wheat.
Equator, Prime Meridian, and Hemispheres What is the earth’s equator and Prime Meridian?
Hemisphere: Textbook pages H13-H14
Check for Understanding On a sticky note jot draw a compass rose with the cardinal directions