Title: -Centered -Same size font and -Same style font -NO bold or underline or ANYTHING *Make sure your title is CREATIVE and RELEVANT! (Not just, “Lord of the Flies.”)
In your introduction… Always mention the author and title
Thesis Always be sure that your thesis statement reflects the prompt/essay question After prewriting the essay, revisit your thesis to make sure it matches the essay prompt
Embedding a quote within your essay: “This is an example quote you may add to your essay” (36). -use quotation marks -page number in parentheses -period AFTER the parentheses
For the title within the essay, Italicize! Of Mice and Men
Proper use of there/their/they’re. “Their bodies start to collapse Proper use of there/their/they’re “Their bodies start to collapse.” “They’re going to the fair.” “There is the store.”
Proper use of that/who “Ms Proper use of that/who “Ms. Schiffler is a teacher who…” “The car is one that can…” (People use WHO; things use THAT)
11, 12, 45, 100 zero, one, two, three (spell out numbers zero-ten; use digits after that)
You generally do not need to be so specific that you mention the chapter a quote is from. (In Chapter Two, Montag states…) Usually just citing the page number after the quote is fine. However, if you need to mention the chapter, use this format: “Chapter Two” Capitalize “Chapter” and “Two”’ spell out chapter number unless it’s over ten
“So” can usually equal “therefore” and “therefore” sounds much more sophisticated!
NO contractions! Can’t = cannot won’t = will not
Avoid sounding too much like a thesaurus…use words that are sophisticated, but not awkward
Always use PRESENT TENSE when referring to a novel’s events Always use PRESENT TENSE when referring to a novel’s events. Bradbury creates other characters in the novel that subconsciously guide and challenge Montag into forming his own opinion for why the society is the way it is.
“Entire Novel” not “Whole Book” The “entire novel” sounds much more sophisticated than the “whole book.” In general, use “entire” instead of “whole” in any circumstance.
Word choice: avoid too much repetition
NOT: Their death Their life Their profession CORRECT: Their deaths Their lives Their professions
Avoid “drama” words! Really, very, extremely, major, huge, totally, way… These are unnecessary words!
“First,” “Second,” “All in all,” Try to work on more advanced transitions!
“I will explain…” “This essay will examine” “In my opinion” NO “I will explain…” “This essay will examine” “In my opinion” NO! Take yourself out of it; don’t tell me what you’re going to do-just do it!
In the novel Of Mice and Men… (you don’t need both-repetitive!)
COMMA USAGE!!! (we will talk about this later)
The reason why…
Try not to overuse “THEY” Try to eliminate “YOU” Sounds informal; think of a more sophisticated way to write it